How To Make Yourself Pass Out

How To Make Yourself Pass Out

How To Make Yourself Pass Out

Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body undergoes a lot of changes, including changes in the circulatory system. These may cause a woman to faint. And as the uterus grows, it can press on and partially block blood flow through large blood vessels, which can decrease blood supply to the brain.


Fainting is pretty common in teens. The good news is that most of the time it’s not a sign of something serious.

What Is Fainting?

Fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness. It happens when there isn’t enough blood going to the brain because of a drop in blood pressure.

Why Do People Faint?

Blood pressure can drop from dehydration, a quick change in position, standing or sitting still for a long period, or a sudden fear of something (such as the sight of blood).

Here are some of the common reasons for fainting:

Physical triggers. Getting too hot or being in a crowded, poorly ventilated setting are common causes of fainting. Sometimes just standing for a very long time or getting up too fast after sitting or lying down can cause someone to faint.

Emotional stress. Emotions like fright, pain, anxiety, or shock can cause to drop. This is the reason why people faint when something frightens or horrifies them, like the sight of blood.

Hyperventilation. A person who is hyperventilating is taking fast breaths. Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the blood falls, causing blood vessels to narrow. Blood flow to the brain decreases, making a person faint.

Medical conditions. Conditions such as heart problems, anemia, low blood sugar, or postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) can cause fainting.

Pregnancy. During pregnancy, the body undergoes a lot of changes, including changes in the circulatory system. These may cause a woman to faint. And as the uterus grows, it can press on and partially block blood flow through large blood vessels, which can decrease blood supply to the brain.

What Are the Warning Signs of Fainting?

Someone who is about to faint might have:

  • dizziness
  • lightheadedness
  • paleness
  • unsteadiness
  • vision changes
  • fast or irregular heartbeat
  • sweating
  • nausea and/or vomiting

Can Fainting Be Prevented?

If you think you’re going to faint, you can try to stop it by taking these steps:

  • If possible, lie down. This can help prevent a fainting episode, as it lets blood get to the brain, especially if the feet are propped up a bit. Be sure to stand up again slowly when you feel better — move to a sitting position for several minutes first, then to standing.
  • Sit down with your head lowered forward between your knees. This will also help blood get to the brain, though it’s not as good as lying down. When you feel better, move slowly into an upright seated position, then stand.
  • Don’t let yourself get dehydrated. Drink enough liquids throughout the day. Drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after exercise and in hot weather.
  • Keep blood circulating. If you have to stand or sit for a long time, take breaks often and move around. Regularly tense your leg muscles or cross your legs to help improve blood flow.
  • Avoid overheated, cramped, or stuffy environments, whenever possible.
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When Should I Call the Doctor?

If you’ve only fainted once, it was brief, and the reasons why are obvious (like being in a hot, crowded setting), then there’s usually no need to worry about it. But if you have a medical condition or are taking prescription medicines, it’s a good idea to call your doctor.

Call the doctor or get medical care if you:

  • hurt yourself when you fainted (for example, if you banged your head really hard)
  • have chest pain, palpitations (fast or irregular heartbeats), or shortness of breath
  • had a
  • fainted during exercise or other physical activity
  • have fainted more than once

The doctor will ask a few questions, do an exam, and might order some tests, such as:

  • an EKG (a type of test for heart problems)
  • a blood sugar test
  • a blood test to check for anemia

How Can I Help Someone Who Faints?

If you’re with someone who has fainted, try to help the person lies down. Don’t move someone who might be injured from falling (that can make things worse). Instead, loosen any tight clothing — such as belts, collars, or ties. Propping the person’s feet and lower legs up on a backpack or jacket also can help blood flow to the brain.

Someone who has fainted will usually recover quickly. Because it’s normal to feel a bit weak after fainting, be sure the person stays lying down for a bit. Getting up too soon may bring on another fainting spell.

Call 911 if someone who has fainted:

  • does not regain consciousness after a few minutes
  • passed out while exercising
  • is having chest pain, trouble breathing, or a seizure


Fainting is a brief loss of consciousness due to a drop in blood flow to the brain. The episode most often lasts less than a couple of minutes and you usually recover from it quickly. The medical name for fainting is syncope.


When you faint, you not only lose consciousness, you also lose muscle tone and the color in your face. Before fainting, you may feel weak, sweaty, or nauseated. You may have the sense that your vision is constricting (tunnel vision) or noises are fading into the background.


  • Cough very hard
  • Have a bowel movement, especially if you are straining
  • Have been standing in one place for too long
  • Urinate, especially at night or after lying down for a prolonged period

Fainting can also be related to:

  • Emotional distress
  • Fear
  • Severe pain

Other causes of fainting, some of which may be more serious, include:

  • Certain medicines, including those used for anxiety, depression, and high blood pressure. These medicines may cause a drop in blood pressure.
  • Drug or alcohol use.
  • Heart disease, such as abnormal heart rhythm or heart attack and stroke.
  • Rapid and deep breathing (hyperventilation).
  • Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).
  • Seizures.
  • Sudden drop in blood pressure, such as from bleeding or being severely dehydrated.
  • Standing up suddenly from a lying position.

Home Care

If you have a history of fainting, follow your health care provider’s instructions for how to prevent fainting. For example, if you know the situations that cause you to faint, avoid or change them.

Get up from a lying or seated position slowly. If having blood drawn makes you faint, tell your provider before having a blood test. Make sure that you are lying down when the test is done.

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You can use these immediate treatment steps when someone has fainted:

  • Check the person’s airway and breathing. If necessary, call 911 or the local emergency number and begin rescue breathing and CPR.
  • Loosen tight clothing around the neck.
  • Raise the person’s feet above the level of their heart (about 12 inches or 30 centimeters).
  • If the person has vomited, turn them on their side to prevent choking.
  • Keep the person lying down for at least 10 to 15 minutes, preferably in a cool and quiet space. If this is not possible, sit the person forward with their head between their knees.

When to Contact a Medical Professional

Call 911 or the local emergency number if the person who fainted:

  • Fell from a height, especially if injured or bleeding
  • Does not become alert quickly (within a couple of minutes)
  • Is pregnant
  • Is over age 50
  • Has diabetes (check for medical identification bracelets)
  • Feels chest pain, pressure, or discomfort
  • Has a pounding or irregular heartbeat
  • Has a loss of speech, vision problems, or is unable to move one or more limbs
  • Has convulsions, a tongue injury, or a loss of bladder or bowel control

Even if it is not an emergency situation, you should be seen by your provider if you have never fainted before, if you faint often, or if you have new symptoms with fainting. Call for an appointment to be seen as soon as possible.

What to Expect at Your Office Visit

Your provider will ask questions to determine whether you simply fainted, or if something else happened (such as a seizure or heart rhythm disturbance), and to figure out the cause of the fainting episode. If someone saw the fainting episode, their description of the event may be helpful.

The physical exam will focus on your heart, lungs, and nervous system. Your blood pressure may be checked while you are in different positions, such as lying down and standing. People with a suspected arrhythmia may need to be admitted to a hospital for testing.

Tests that may be ordered include:

  • Blood tests for anemia or body chemical imbalances
  • Cardiac rhythm monitoring
  • Echocardiogram
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG)
  • Electroencephalogram (EEG)
  • Cardiac event monitor
  • X-ray of the chest

Treatment depends on the cause of fainting.


Calkins H, EverettTH, Chen P-S. Hypotension and syncope. In: Libby P, Bonow RO, Mann DL,Tomaselli GF, Bhatt DL, Solomon SD, eds. Braunwald’s Heart Disease: ATextbook of Cardiovascular Medicine. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier;2022:chap 71.

Probst M.Syncope. In: Walls RM, ed. Rosen’s Emergency Medicine: Concepts and ClinicalPractice. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2023:chap 11.

Winkel D,Cassimatis D. Episodic impairment of consciousness. In: Jankovic J, MazziottaJC, Pomeroy SL, Newman NJ, eds. Bradley and Daroff’s Neurology in ClinicalPractice. 8th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2022:chap 2.

Version Info

Last reviewed on: 6/20/2023

Reviewed by: Jacob Berman, MD, MPH, Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, WA. Also reviewed by David C. Dugdale, MD, Medical Director, Brenda Conaway, Editorial Director, and the A.D.A.M. Editorial team.

Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD
Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD

Dermatologist in Battery Point, Australia

Articles: 523