Signs Of Intelligence

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7 Subtle Signs You Have Superior Intelligence and Think At A Genius Level

Last updated on Jun 27, 2024

9 subtle signs someone has extremely high intelligence (even if they downplay it)

Forget Hollywood stereotypes. It’s not always immediately obvious that someone is smart. After all, intelligence doesn’t necessarily mean you have to wear glasses or speak with a refined accent.

Plus, many intelligent people aren’t interested in appearing intelligent to others. They may not necessarily stand out from the crowd, either by choice or just because they are a low-key person.

Sometimes, people even downplay their intelligence. It may be that they don’t want to make others feel stupid around them, or they don’t like the expectations that come when people know someone is smarter than average.

But no matter how much they tried to downplay it, there are some signs of high intelligence that will give away a person with a powerful brain. Keep an eye out for these signs that a person is smarter than they are pretending to be.

1) They are inquisitive

In fact, this trait is so strongly linked to intelligence that it goes beyond just our species. The most intelligent animals tend to be the most curious about the world around them.

Take a look at this study: children who scored higher on IQ tests when they were 11 years old continued to be more observant and inquisitive until they were 50 years old.

In other words, smart kids grow up to be curious and inquisitive adults.

If you think about it, it makes sense. Your brain forms new connections and you learn more when you are inquisitive about the world around you. Thus, it may not come as a huge surprise that those who are more interested also tend to be smarter.

Staying interested in the world and learning new things is how intelligent people keep their powerful minds occupied. But it’s also how they become more knowledgeable. That base of knowledge in turn helps them make new connections, discover new things, and become even more intelligent.

2) They have interests they are passionate about

Thanks to TV shows like The Big Bang Theory, there’s a cultural stereotype about smart people being passionately absorbed in often nerdy interests.

But there is truth to the idea that intelligent people often get deeply absorbed in hobbies and intellectual pursuits.

Again, this goes back to the fact that a powerful mind needs something to keep it occupied.

Getting deeply absorbed in passion projects, whether it’s astronomy, music, comic books, or history, provides intelligent people with an outlet for the restless energy of their brain.

And because intelligent people pick up new knowledge so well, they often quickly become extremely knowledgeable about any new interest that has caught their attention.

“[Intelligent people] are able to admit when they aren’t familiar with a particular concept or if something falls outside of their realm of knowledge, and are willing to learn what they don’t know,” argues clinical psychologist Holly Schiff.

“Their intellectual curiosity will lend itself to wanting to self-educate and read anything they can get their hands on.”

3) They practice self-control

Thinking before you speak or act is a sign of self-control. And intelligent people frequently exhibit this quality, which can greatly increase their success.

People who are prone to emotional outbursts often behave illogically.

Even if it goes against their long-term goals, they will follow their emotions, and they frequently end up harming themselves or others with their out-of-control emotions.

However, clever people are aware that it’s usually a good idea to consider your actions before taking them. That way, you can decide what is the best course of action and ensure that your actions are the best possible choice to get the outcomes you want.

For instance, it’s well known that those with higher IQs typically have better physical health. That’s because they have enough self-control to refrain from eating unhealthy foods or adopting harmful habits like smoking or regular drinking.

4) They know how much they don’t know

Have you ever heard of the Dunning Kruger effect?

Basically, this phenomenon shows that when people first start learning about a new subject, they often overestimate how much they really know. It’s only when they learn a little more about the subject that they start to realize that there is actually much more to it than they first thought.

That’s why people who aren’t smart often overestimate their own intelligence, while people who are actually smart are well aware of the limits of their abilities.

Genuinely smart people are often very humble about their intelligence. That’s because they know that no matter how smart you are, there’s always someone even smarter out there somewhere.

Besides, intelligent people are also aware that while intelligence is a great gift to have in life, it doesn’t guarantee anything. And it certainly doesn’t make you a better person than anyone else.

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5) They read a lot

Did you know that reading a lot in childhood actually helps your brain physically develop more?

It’s a fairly astonishing fact that demonstrates why it’s so important not only to teach kids to read but also to encourage them to enjoy reading so that they will make it a lifelong habit.

Of course, reading is also one of the best ways to learn new things. That’s why more often than not, highly intelligent people are also voracious readers.

6) They like to spend time alone

Have you ever heard of the savanna theory of happiness?

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This fascinating piece of research found, among other things, that most people are happier when they have more social interaction. But the opposite was true for highly intelligent people. They actually became less happy the more time they spent with others.

It might sound strange. But when you consider that it’s hard to have meaningful conversations with anyone whose IQ is more than 30 points above or below yours, it starts to make more sense.

Someone with an IQ of 160, for example, wouldn’t really enjoy spending time with anyone who scores below 130, which is still highly intelligent – so intelligent, in fact, that less than 5% of the population score this high.

To put it simply, the smarter you are, the harder it is to find other people on your level.

But also, intelligent people often enjoy their time alone. It allows them to work on their ideas without the interruptions caused by other people.

So if you know someone who likes to spend a lot of time alone, it might be because they are usually intelligent.

7) They observe everything

Being curious about the world means paying close attention to it. You can often tell if someone is intelligent by how much they notice of what’s going on around them.

Intelligent people listen to what others have to say. They also pay attention to what they don’t say, relying on body language and gestures to reveal more about the mental state of those they are conversing with.

They are also aware of their surroundings. Often, they will notice even minor details, like the color of cars passing by them or the way a stranger walks.

This isn’t necessarily something they do on purpose. It’s just a side effect of having a mind that is always craving new information.

Observing the world around them gives intelligent people that information, and often allows them to make the sometimes surprising connections between one thing and another that are the trademark of a smart person.

8) They listen

You can learn all about the world from books, TV documentaries, scientific papers, and many other sources. But sometimes, one of the best ways to learn something new is simply to listen to other people.

“Intelligent people recognize that others have information and insights that through a shared conversation will help both grow and expand their wisdom and enhance their intellect,” says Andi Simon, author of Rethink: Smashing the Myths of Women in Business.

So intelligent people will not only listen closely to others. They will also ask meaningful questions to get a better handle on somebody else’s point of view and learn as much as they possibly cannot from everyone they encounter.

9) They are open-minded

It’s a strange fact that more intelligent people tend to score more highly for Openness, one of the big five personality traits. This means that if someone is more open-minded and receptive to the viewpoints of others, there’s a good chance they will be more intelligent than average.

Check out this study, which found that “that Openness is more closely associated with individual differences in the accrual of broad verbal intellectual skills and knowledge than with narrower executive abilities that are localized to a specific brain region or neurotransmitter system.”

In other words, intelligent people seem to be predisposed to being open to the views of others.

Of course, it’s also true that intelligent people love to learn. And they know that being open to other people viewpoints is a great way to do that.

Intelligent people don’t accept things blindly or make decisions based on emotion. Instead, they subject their own thoughts and ideas to a rigorous process of testing.

Trying to understand the viewpoints of others, even people you don’t agree with, can help you develop your own ideas and make sure that you aren’t overlooking something crucial.

Signs of intelligence

Some people deliberately try to hide their intelligence. Others just aren’t interested in showing it off.

But these subtle signs can let you know you’re dealing with a highly intelligent person. Keep an eye out for them, because there may be more highly intelligent people in your life than you realize.

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7 Subtle Signs You Have Superior Intelligence and Think At A Genius Level

These traits are extremely rare, but indicate huge brainpower.

Last updated on Jun 27, 2024

Dean Drobot / Shutterstock

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You want to be smart, and you do a few things to improve your intellect. You read books, you watch TED talks, or you spend more time with the brilliant people around you.

But are your efforts paying off? Sometimes, we may not realize that we have high intelligence and need to do the work to look inward. Luckily, there are a few ways to tell for certain.

Here are 7 subtle signs you have superior intelligence

1. You’re quick on your feet

Alvaro Balderas / Pexels

Perhaps one of your friends calls you, but you don’t pick up because you know they will ask you for a favor or want you to do work for them. Then, they call once and you don’t pick up again.

Later, you find out that your friend was with your bestie when they made the call. When you didn’t pick up, your friend asked your bestie to call, thinking you were purposely dodging talking to them.

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Luckily, your bestie has your back. They pretend to call you, stick the phone to their ear, and say, “No, they aren’t picking up” when, in fact, they never made the call.

This is just one example of being quick on your feet. And it’s a sure sign of remarkable intelligence. Your friend has it, but do you?


2. You find unique solutions to everyday problems

Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Let’s say you’re not the handiest person in the world, but you are very creative. Instead of buying a new door closer to fit on your door, you take a filled water bottle and tie it to a meter-long rope, tying the rope to the ceiling of the doorway, and putting the rope over the door on the other side.

This makes it so whenever someone opens the door, the door closes by itself; due to the positioning of the rope, the gravity of the filled water bottle acts in the direction to close the door. It’s genius!

This is the opposite of functional fixedness. Functional fixedness is the psychological bias that restricts you to use a thing only in the way it’s meant to be. For instance, using a water bottle only to drink water.

But that water bottle serves another purpose, and it can use gravity to create a makeshift door closer. It’s surely not the only example of thinking outside the box, but it is a sign of high intelligence.


3. You think in unexpected ways

Juan Pablo Serrano / Pexels

In one of his shows, Stephen Colbert asked Keanu Reeves, “What happens after we die, Keanu Reeves?”

Now, this question could have two common expected answers — the religious kind and the atheist kind. The religious answer would involve going to heaven or going to purgatory. The atheist answer would be you just die, and nothing happens.

But Reeves chose neither of these options. Instead, he paused for a while and said, “I know that the ones who love us will miss us.” And everyone’s jaw dropped.

His answer wasn’t unobvious, but it was unexpected. And that made all the difference.


4. You don’t give unsolicited advice

Alexander Suhorucov / Pexels

As you move through life, people are sure to give their two cents when you don’t ask for it. It can be unsolicited advice about your love life, your career, or even your fashion choices.

But because you have high intellect, you see right through their “advice.” Them, on the other hand, are showing signs of a lack of intelligence, where they cannot even realize and accept that they aren’t good at something.

But if you can accept it — and you don’t give advice on things you’re not great at — that’s a sign of high self-awareness and high intelligence.

5. You seek unconventional methods

Armin Rimoldi / Pexels

Here’s a simple rule in life to follow: “If you do things the same way as everyone else, you’re going to get the same results as everyone else.” That’s why intelligent people are suckers for unconventional methods.

For instance, a common method for studying is post-testing. This is when you solve questions after studying. However, there’s another concept called Pretesting, where you solve questions before even studying the topic.

It seems silly, but it’s actually wonderful because it tells you the kind of questions asked in an exam. And then when you actually sit down to study, your cognitive attention is reallocated according to the importance of a given topic.

A sure sign of intelligence is asking yourself, “Is there a better way to do it than how the majority does it?” When you do that, you find unconventional methods that lead to better and faster results.

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6. You observe and deduce, and not just look

Hamidreza Salehian / Pexels

An exchange between Dr. John Watson and Sherlock Holmes from “A Scandal in Bohemia” goes like this:

Sherlock: You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear. For example, you have frequently seen the steps which lead up from the hall to this room?

Dr. Watson: Frequently.

Sherlock: How often?

Dr. Watson: Well, some hundreds of times.

Sherlock: Then how many are there?

Dr. Watson: How many?! I don’t know.

Sherlock: Quite so. You have not observed. And yet you have seen. That is just my point. Now, I know that there are seventeen steps because I have both seen and observed.

And that’s just it! Most people just look at the world, but some people truly observe it mindfully and make deductions. That’s a sign of superior intelligence.

7. You can keep up and adapt in any social environment


We all know a person who is able to make friends everywhere they go. They connect with complete strangers, no matter how unique the social situation might be.

While you may think this is a sign of social intelligence, it’s not — it’s a sign of intelligence overall. And there are two reasons why.

First of all, to connect with different people, you need to have a knowledge of a wide variety of subjects. That’s what allows you to find common ground with so many people. Secondly, even when you have knowledge of a variety of subjects, you have to be able to adapt according to the room.

Most people often feel out of place. But that person you know? They never feel out of place, no matter what kind of room they find themselves in. And genius-level thinkers are able to adjust and adapt according to the room.

Akshad Singi, M.D. is a writer whose work has been published in Better Humans, Mind Cafe, Medium, and more.

Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD
Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD

Dermatologist in Battery Point, Australia

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