How To Get Rid Of Pimples On Pubic Area Male

How To Get Rid Of Pimples On Pubic Area Male

12 Causes of Pimples on the Penis (& How to Treat Them)

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Pimple on Penis

Like skin anywhere else on your body, pimples can appear on the penis. Although pimples are usually harmless and not a cause for alarm, certain conditions including sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can cause lumps and bumps that resemble pimples. Therefore, it can be easy to overlook health issues that may require treatment.

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What are Penis Pimples?

Although pimples are more common on areas like the face, they can also form on the sensitive skin of the genitals, like the head and shaft of the penis. A pimple, also known as a zit, is a small, round bump on the skin that develops when a pore becomes clogged with oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, or other debris, causing infection and swelling. The base of a pimple is usually red or flesh-colored and may feel hard or tender to the touch.

Pimples can form with or without a head, which can differ in color depending on what material has caused the buildup. There are various types of pimples, including blackheads (black tip) and whiteheads (white tip). Some pimples may contain pus.

Penis pimples can occur whether you’re sexually active or not. But if you are sexually active, you may be at risk for STDs, which can cause serious health problems if ignored and left untreated.

What STDs Get Confused for Penis Pimples?

Some signs of STDs can at first be mistaken for a pimple or ingrown hair until symptoms escalate. STDs can cause bumps, rashes, sores, or lesions which a person may easily confuse for minor skin conditions.

STDs that cause pimple-like skin problems include:

  • Genital herpes– A viral infection that can cause patches of fluid-filled sores that can become open, ooze fluids, and crust over. Herpes is often spread through sexual through contact with a herpes sore, infected saliva or genital secretions, or skin-to-skin contact with the mouth or genitals of someone who has the virus. 1
  • Syphilis– A bacterial infection that can cause single or multiple chancres (painless, crater-like sores) on or around the genitals, around the anus or in the rectum, or in or around the mouth during the primary stage of infection, and a skin rash in the secondary stage. Syphilis is spread through direct contact with a syphilis sore during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. 2
  • Certain strains of human papillomavirus (HPV) – A viral infection that can cause genital warts. Genital warts can vary in size and appearance: Single bump or group of bumps which are small or large, raised or flat, or shaped like a cauliflower. 3
  • Molluscum contagiosum – A viral infection that causes small, raised lesions that are usually white, pink, or flesh-colored with a dimple or pit at the center. Mollusca may occur anywhere on the body, and the virus can be spread through physical contact and contaminated objects, like clothing, towels, and toys. 4

Non-Sexual Causes of Pimple-like Bumps

Not all pimple-like bumps on the penis are caused by STDs. Skin conditions that may cause similar symptoms include: 5

  • Folliculitis – A condition caused when the hair follicles become infected, resulting in inflamed pimples. Sebaceous cysts are yellowish pimples or bumps that are caused by blocked or clogged oil glands. (sebaceous glands) They typically go away on their own without medical care.
  • Pearly penile papules(PPP) – Flesh-colored skin growths that are spiny in shape. They often are found in a ring around the edge of the head of the penis, just above the shaft. They are a normal skin variation that some men have. PPP are harmless, and you may notice them less as you age. They are not the result of an STD or and aren’t contagious.
  • Fordyce spots – Whitish-yellow or flesh-colored spots caused by enlarged oil glands, often more visible during erections because the skin is stretched. They commonly form on the lips or inside the cheek, but can also occur on the penis. They are harmless, not infectious, and usually do not have any symptoms.
  • Razor burn – Small, irritated red bumps that pop up due to bacteria or ingrown hairs on or near the genitals after shaving.
  • Staph infection – While staph bacteria (Staphylococcus) is carried by about 25 percent of people and lives on the body, a genital staph infection is a rare occurrence. Tiny nicks or cuts caused by razors allow the bacteria to enter the body, causing a pus-filled boil to form. Staph is a contagious infection, but is not an STD. Treatment with antibiotics is necessary as staph can spread and cause serious health problems (including death). 6

What Should You Do If You Find a Penis Pimple?

There are many types of penis pimples and bumps, but they all have one thing in common: they should not be popped or squeezed. Popping a pimple on your penis can lead to infection or scarring.

For penis pimples, it’s important to keep the pimple and the surrounding area clean and dry, but you should avoid scrubbing or using harsh cleansers, which can irritate the sensitive penis region. If the pimple doesn’t disappear or if it oozes pus or changes in size, shape, or texture, it may be a sign of infection or another underlying condition and it may be worth consulting a doctor.

If you’re sexually active and are unsure about what’s causing penis bumps, you should consider getting tested for STDs. It’s easy to do through a doctor or clinic, or you can get tested quickly and discreetly at one of our convenient lab locations.


Most pimples don’t require treatment because they disappear on their own after a few days. If the pimple doesn’t go away or if it shows signs of being infected, visit a doctor or dermatologist for treatment.

On the other hand, if a bump is something other than a pimple, treatment depends on the underlying cause. Some bumps are natural or harmless and don’t require treatment. Other causes can be cured or treated with medication. For example, caught early, syphilis is curable with an injection of penicillin, and herpes outbreaks are manageable with antiviral medication.

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Factors that increase the likelihood of a penis pimple include poor hygiene, excess sweating, tight-fitting clothes, and oily skin. Addressing these likely causes can help prevent pimples from developing again.

Ways to reduce pimples include:

  • Maintain Good Hygiene: Wash your genital area daily with warm water and a mild, fragrance-free soap. Avoid aggressive scrubbing, which can irritate the skin.
  • Keep the Area Dry: Moisture can promote bacterial growth, leading to pimples. After washing, gently pat the area dry with a clean towel.
  • Wear Breathable Clothing: Choose underwear made from natural, breathable fabrics like cotton. This helps keep the area dry and reduces sweat and bacteria buildup.
  • Shave Carefully: If you shave the pubic area, do so carefully. Use a clean razor, shave in the direction of hair growth, and consider using a shaving cream to reduce irritation. Consider trimming instead of shaving closely to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs.
  • Avoid Tight Clothing: Tight clothing can irritate the skin and lead to sweat buildup. Opt for looser-fitting clothes that don’t chafe or put too much pressure on the genital area.
  • Use Non-comedogenic Products: If you apply any lotions or products to the genital area, make sure they are labeled “non-comedogenic,” meaning they won’t clog pores.
  • Stay Hydrated and Eat Healthily: A well-balanced diet and staying hydrated can promote healthy skin and reduce the likelihood of acne and pimples.
  • Reduce Friction: Friction can irritate the skin and contribute to pimples. Use a lubricant during sexual activity to reduce friction and prevent irritation.
  • Manage Stress: High stress levels can affect your skin’s health. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as exercise, meditation, or deep-breathing exercises.
  • Check for Allergies: Sometimes, skincare or laundry products can cause allergic reactions leading to pimples. If you suspect this, switch to hypoallergenic or fragrance-free options.
  1. “Genital Herpes – CDC Fact Sheet.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  2. “Syphilis – CDC Fact Sheet.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  3. “Genital HPV Infection – Fact Sheet.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  4. “Molluscum Contagiosum.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  5. “Penile Appearance, Lumps and Bumps.” Australian Family Physician.
  6. “MRSA – Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus.” Illinois Department of Public Health.

Medically Reviewed by Erin Zinkhan, MD, BSBE on February 28, 2023

Written by Taysha on January 29, 2024

STDs and Symptoms

  • STD Overview
  • Chlamydia
    • Chlamydia
    • Chlamydia Symptoms
    • Chlamydia Testing and Treatment
    • Gonorrhea
    • Gonorrhea Symptoms
    • Gonorrhea Testing
    • Hepatitis A Overview
    • Hepatitis A Symptoms
    • Hepatitis A Testing and Treatment
    • Hepatitis B Overview
    • Hepatitis B Symptoms
    • Hepatitis B Testing and Treatment
    • Hepatitis C Overview
    • Hepatitis C Symptoms
    • Hepatitis C Testing and Treatment
    • Genital Herpes Overview
    • Genital Herpes Symptoms
    • Genital Herpes Symptoms in Men
    • Genital Herpes Symptoms in Women
    • Genital Herpes Testing and Treatment
    • HSV-2 Symptoms
    • Oral Herpes Overview
    • Oral Herpes Symptoms
    • Oral Herpes Testing and Treatment
    • HSV-1 Symptoms
    • Cold Sore Symptoms
    • HIV
    • HIV Symptoms
    • HIV Symptoms in Men
    • HIV Symptoms in Women
    • AIDS Symptoms
    • HIV Rash
    • HIV Testing and Treatment
    • Syphilis
    • Syphilis Symptoms
    • Syphilis Testing and Treatment
    • RPR Testing
    • Syphilis Rash

    STD Symptoms

    • STD Symptoms
    • Symptoms in Men
      • Overview
      • Jock Itch STD
      • Painful Urination
      • Penis Bumps
      • Penile Discharge
      • Penis Rash
      • Spots on Penis
      • Pimple on Penis
      • Lump on Testicle
      • Testicle Pain
      • Testicle Swelling
      • Overview
      • Vaginal Bumps
      • Vaginal Burning
      • Vaginal Discharge
      • Vaginal Itching
      • Vaginal Odor

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      12 Causes of Pimples on the Penis (& How to Treat Them)

      A pimple on the penis is commonly related to a benign health condition such as pearly penile papules or Fordyce spots. However, other more serious conditions can also cause small pimples or bumps, like lichen planus, genital warts or lymphoceles.

      It is normal for any new pimples on the penis to make you feel anxious, but rest-assured that they are rarely related to cancer. Cancerous pimples or bumps will usually present with other symptoms, like wounds that do not heal and discharge from the urethra.

      If you are unsure what is causing pimples on your penis, you should see a urologist to identify the problem and start treatment as needed.

      What causes pimples on the penis?

      The most common causes of pimples on the penis are:

      1. Pearly penile papules

      These papules are small, white, pimple-like lumps that can appear under the head of the penis. They are also referred to as Tyson glands, and are often mistaken for genital warts. These bumps are normal and benign glands that can appear at birth, but usually emerge during adolescence. Apart from being a cosmetic abnormality, Tyson glands cause no pain or any other major change.

      Read more about what causes pearly penile papules and symptoms associated with them.

      How to treat it: Usually no treatment is required, but if the papules drastically change the appearance of the penis, the urologist may recommend cryotherapy or cauterization treatments.

      2. Ingrown hair

      Ingrown hairs can occur when a hair does not puncture through the epidermis. Instead, it grows back and curls underneath the skin, leading to the appearance of a small red pimple, which can cause pain.

      How to treat it: An ingrown hair usually improves on its own, without any treatment. However, cases of ingrown hairs with signs of inflammation or infection may be treated with a prescription antibacterial ointment. Read more about how to get rid of an ingrown hair.

      3. Fordyce spots

      Fordyce spots are very common, benign white or yellow spots that appear on the head or shaft of the penis. They are unrelated to any type of sexually transmitted infection. Due to hormonal changes, these spots more frequently emerge during adolescence, but they can appear at any age.

      Learn more about what can cause fordyce spots and how they are treated.

      How to treat it: The treatment is aimed at achieving cosmetic goals only. Procedures to remove the spots can vary, from using urethane tretinoin gel to lasering the spots. It is noted that, normally, it is not possible to completely eliminate these types of spots.

      4. Genital warts

      Genital warts are caused by infection of human papilloma virus, or HPV. Skin changes will be visible – although the penis skin will retain its normal color, the skin will feel rougher when palpated (like the top of a cauliflower). Genital warts can vary in size and they are usually easily visible. Most times, they do not cause pain.

      Genital warts usually appear after unprotected sexual intercourse, whether anal, vaginal or oral, with a previously infected person. Read more about how HPV presents in men.

      How to treat it: If symptoms emerge, ointments such as podophyllin may be prescribed by the urologist to eliminate the warts. However, it is common for warts to come back, as it takes several years for the body several years to successfully fight off this HPV virus. Check-out more information about warts on the penis and how they can be treated.

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      5. Lymphocele

      This is a type of hard lump that can appear on the penis shaft, especially after sexual contact or masturbation. It happens when the lymphatic system is unable to remove fluid from the penis due to the swelling, which closes the lymphatic pathways. A lymphocele usually disappears a few minutes or hours after it appears.

      How to treat it: This is a benign lump that disappears on its own and doesn’t require any medical treatment. Massaging the lump can help drain the fluid faster. If the lump doesn’t disappear within hours, consult your urologist to identify the cause and start treatment.

      6. Lichen planus

      Lichen planus is a skin irritation that can affect the penis. It appears as small itchy bumps, pimples or red lumps. The cause of this problem is not known, but it usually goes away on its own after a few weeks and may reappear several times over the years.

      How to treat it: Treatment only helps to reduce symptoms and, in most cases, is done with the use of topical corticosteroids. Your doctor may also recommend a antihistamine, especially if you are experiencing severe itching.

      7. Peyronie’s disease

      Peyronie’s disease is the development of plaque, or scarring, in the corpus cavernosum of the penis, and can manifest as hard lumps localized to one side. Other symptoms such as a painful erection or curving of the penis during erection are also common. The cause of Peyronie’s is unknown.

      How to treat it: The urologist may inject collagen or verapamil directly into the lump to reduce the scarring production that is causing the lump to grow, but in most cases, surgery is needed to correct the changes.

      8. Penile cancer

      Penile cancer is one of the rarest forms of cancer. It can cause the appearance of lumps, ulcers or sores, particularly on the head of the penis. This type of cancer is more common in men over 60 who have a history of smoking and lack adequate hygiene habits. Penile cancer can also occur when there is exposure of the area to ultraviolet radiation or when there is prolonged exposure to irritants.

      How to treat it: Treatment almost always starts with surgery to remove as many cancer cells as possible, followed by chemotherapy or radiation. In more severe cases, it may be necessary to remove the penis to prevent cancer from spreading to other parts of the body.

      9. Skin allergy

      Skin allergies are one of the most common and least severe reasons for pimples or bumps on the penis. They can appear following the use of soaps, condoms, lubricants or even after contact with specific fabric, like synthetic-based fabric instead of cotton-based ones.

      How to treat: It is important to identify what is causing the allergy so that you can avoid contact with the fabric or substance. Using cotton-based fabrics and mild soaps when cleansing the genital area is also advised. You should avoid chemical or scented products. If you suspect a latex allergy, you should avoid using latex condoms.

      10. Genital herpes

      Genital herpes is a sexually-transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. It is spread through unprotected sex and can lead to symptoms like bumps or lumps on the penis which erupt into wounds. These wounds are often painful and itchy and can appear in the perianal area. Learn more about the symptoms associated with genital herpes.

      How to treat: If you notice symptoms following unprotected sex, you are advised to consult your family doctor for a clinical evaluation. If a diagnosis is confirmed, it is important to follow treatment as prescribed, and to notify your sexual partner to also start treatment,

      11. Molloscum contagiosa

      Molloscum contagiosa is an infectious disease caused by the Poxvirus. IT can affect the genital region and can cause symptoms like small, painless rashes or bumps that are skin-colored, except on the hands or feet. The rashes and/or bumps are usually small, ranging from 2 to 5 mm in diameter, however people with weaker immune system may notice sizes of 15 mm in diameter.

      This infection is transmitted through direct contact with the lumps during sexual contact or from sharing contaminated clothes or towels with infected people.

      How to treat: Treatment should be guided by a dermatologist, who may prescribe topical medications like imiquimod 5% ou tretinoin. The doctor may also recommend laser therapy or cryotherapy.

      12. Lichen nitidus

      Lichen nitidus is a rare and chronic skin inflammation that is associate with small skin-colored pimples in the genital area, skin folds, abdomen and chest. These bumps are usually asymptomatic, but may itch at times.

      How to treat: Generally, lichen nitidus resolves on its own within months to a year without any specific interventions. However, symptomatic pimples that cause discomfort or are visually displeasing can be managed with topical or oral corticosteroids.

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