1 Month Pregnant Tummy

1 Month Pregnant Tummy

1 month pregnant: signs, symptoms and development

Whether you’ve had a positive pregnancy test result or you’ve noticed those first early pregnancy symptoms, here’s everything you can expect at 1 month pregnant, from changes in your own body, to how your baby is developing in these first few weeks.

Symptoms of the first month of pregnancy

Ovulation, and therefore fertilisation, occur during the first month. At the end of the month, there will be moments of uncertainty: am I pregnant or not? Are the symptoms I am feeling telling me my period is about to come or that I am expecting a baby? The discomforts of the first weeks of pregnancy are very particular and can change depending on the woman – and even on the pregnancy. You begin to notice the first symptoms of pregnancy, such as breast enlargement, the urge to urinate, fatigue, abdominal pain and others.

Changes in the mother

The first month of pregnancy is counted from the first day of the last menstruation, which means approximately two weeks before fertilisation. At the end of the second week, ovulation occurs. An oocyte is released, and if it is fertilised, it will implant in the uterus wall.

The first month of pregnancy is the month that is most overlooked, as until a missed period is noticed suspicions of pregnancy cannot be confirmed, although in some cases there is slight bleeding at the time of implantation.

Apart from the obvious missed period, other initial symptoms of pregnancy may appear. These symptoms are varied and are not always present. When they are, they can appear with different degrees of intensity and are different for every pregnancy. These symptoms can include fatigue, irritability, mood swings, nausea and vomiting.

Physical changes: first signs of pregnancy

  • From the first month of pregnancy, many mothers-to-be expect to see the first signs: they usually notice changes in the womb, although the uterus has not yet increased in size, and it may feel somewhat swollen, with discomfort and shooting pain similar to the sensations of PMS.
  • The first visible physical changes are the increase in breast tenderness, size and engorgement due to the rise of progesterone and oestrogen levels. There is also an increase in the urge to urinate due to increased blood flow, with more fluid passing through the kidneys.
  • Some women have slight bleeding that lasts a couple of days. In these cases, although it generally has no effects, it is advisable to inform your gynaecologist.

Psychological changes: an emotional rollercoaster

  • During a pregnancy, the physical changes are the most obvious, but there is an important psychological element to take into account.
  • During the first month of pregnancy and even the first few months, it is normal to feel stressed and to be on edge, especially when it’s your first pregnancy, as all the changes and sensations are completely new. Doubts and unease are bound to appear as you face the unknown.
  • What’s more, hormonal changes in the body produce emotional instability, which causes greater irritability and mood swings.

First month of pregnancy: 4 mm embryo

At this time, the embryo measures about 4 mm and weighs less than 1 g.

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Fertilisation occurs with the union of egg and sperm. This union produces a zygote which begins to divide, forming a group of cells, and moves towards the uterus, where it implants on the ninth day after conception.

In the following days, this group of cells differentiates into three layers that will give rise to the central nervous system, digestive and urinary structures, as well as bones, muscles and the blood circulation system.

It is also during the first month of pregnancy that the amniotic cavity is formed, with the amniotic fluid inside. The placenta and umbilical cord also begin to form to transport oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the child.

1 month pregnant: signs, symptoms and development

Whether you’ve had a positive pregnancy test result or you’ve noticed those first early pregnancy symptoms, here’s everything you can expect at 1 month pregnant, from changes in your own body, to how your baby is developing in these first few weeks.

We’ve also included a helpful checklist of what to do at this exciting stage of your pregnancy journey.

1 month pregnant symptoms

A lot of women will notice changes in their body during the first month of pregnancy, and while some changes can happen before a positive pregnancy test, it’s worth keeping an eye on the following.

Missed period

One of the first major signs of pregnancy in the first month is missing your period if you have a regular menstrual cycle. It’s important to note though, that a delayed period can happen, especially if you’re experiencing stress.

Sore nipples

Many women report sore or very tingly nipples as the first sign of pregnancy. It’s down to the increased blood supply to your breasts and it will disappear as your body gets used to the pregnancy hormones.


Fatigue and extreme tiredness are a common early pregnancy symptom. You might find you don’t have as much energy as normal, and feel tempted to take an afternoon nap.


If you’ve started feeling nauseous and even actually vomited, it’s likely you’re experiencing what’s known as morning sickness. Despite the name, you’ll probably find that this can happen at any time of the day.

Emotional rollercoaster

During pregnancy, you’ll experience an emotional rollercoaster from feeling glum and frustrated to jumping with joy. Increased emotions come from hormone changes, so if you find yourself a little more emotional than normal, it could be sign!

Cramping and bloating

At around 4 weeks pregnant nobody else will notice any physical changes but you’ll probably be feeling quite bloated, you may even experience cramping and belly pains. Your body is making extra blood, you have more fluid and your hormonal activity will likely have you in that ‘I feel bigger’ headspace anyway, a bit like it does sometimes just before a period.

A bit of spotting

As the implantation process begins, you may notice a bit of bleeding. To prepare for the early stages of your baby’s growth and development, the placenta will also produce oestrogen, progesterone, and human chorionic gonadotropin, which is referred to as the pregnancy hormone.

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Baby development at 1 month pregnant

Egg into an embryo

When you get your late period, your body sheds its uterine lining and prepares a new one for the egg. One of your eggs will develop and ovulate.

Fertilising the egg

It takes up to three days for the sperm to meet up with your egg. Once the egg is in place, the sperm will race towards your egg. As soon as one sperm penetrates the egg’s lining, your egg is now fertilised.

You now have an embryo

Your embryo will now go down the fallopian tube and grow into a ball about four days after conception. The embryo will move around until it finds its perfect spot to take base in the lining. An amniotic sac will form around this fertilised egg, and your placenta and the umbilical cord are also forming.

Your baby is microscopic at this point, but, three cell layers are beginning to form.

1.) The ectoderm layer will be your baby’s nervous system, hair, and skin.
2.) The endoderm layer, will develop your baby’s gastrointestinal tract, liver, pancreas, and thyroid.
3.) The mesoderm layer will develop into your baby’s skeleton, connective tissue, blood system, urogenital system, and muscles.

How big is your baby when you’re 1 month pregnant?

By 1 month your baby will only be about 6 or 7 millimetres in size, about the size of a pumpkin seed.

Changes to your body at 1 month pregnant

At this point in your pregnancy, it’s unlikely that you will notice any physical changes to your body, despite how much is going on inside. Some women experience bloating but it’s from early pregnancy symptoms and your changing hormones rather than a baby bump.

How far along are you at 1 month pregnant?

We appreciate it can be a bit confusing working out how far along you are as the weeks of pregnancy don’t fit into months but one month of pregnancy encompasses weeks one to four.

At one month pregnant, you are at the beginning of the first trimester. The three trimesters are broken into the following:

First trimester: weeks 1 to 12
Second trimester: weeks 13 to 27
Third trimester: weeks 28 to week 40+

Checklist at 1 month pregnant

• Figuring out your due date

This is taken as 40 weeks from the first day of your last period. The doctor will work this out for you when you go to confirm the pregnancy but alternatively, you can use our due date calculator to find out earlier.

• Sleep

As the months pass you may have trouble sleeping, let alone when your baby arrives! So get as much shut-eye now as you can.

• Health

Start making a plan for eating well and exercising during pregnancy. If you haven’t already, kick dangerous habits like smoking or drinking alcohol.

• Start taking a prenatal vitamin

It’s actually advised to begin taking a prenatal vitamin a few months before you start trying for a baby, so if you haven’t started taking any vitamins yet it’s a good time to start. Be sure it has at least 400 micrograms of folic acid.

Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD
Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD

Dermatologist in Battery Point, Australia

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