Common Conditions: Signs of Vitamin Deficiency in Nails
Did you know the shape, texture and colour of your nails reveal all sorts of secrets about the health of your body? Yes, vital clues about your overall wellbeing may be lying just at the end of your fingertips. Here’s how to spot them…
Ridges in Nails
Ridges in your fingernails or toenails can be a sign of a current or past illness. Ridges may also happen if you have a nutrient deficiency. Your provider can help you determine why you have ridges in your nails. Usually, your nails will become smoother if you treat the underlying cause.
What are ridges in nails?
Ridges in your nails are visible lines or dents in your fingernails or toenails. The ridges may run vertically (up and down) or horizontally (across) your nail. Ridges in your nails can be a sign of a health condition or a previous injury to your nail. In some cases, they’re harmless.
Possible Causes
What are the most common causes of ridges in nails?
Certain health conditions and nutrient deficiencies can cause ridges, dents or lines in your nails. Common causes of vertical nail ridges, also called longitudinal ridges, include:
- Normal aging: Many people develop vertical ridges on their nails as they get older. These lines aren’t dangerous.
- Skin conditions: If you have very dry skin or eczema, you may have vertical lines on your nails.
- Thyroid disease: If you have hypothyroidism, you may have thick, brittle nails with vertical ridges. Your nails may also crumble or break easily. They may look more rounded and your fingertip may be puffy.
Horizontal ridges or dents in your nails are usually due to a condition called Beau’s lines. These dents may happen when something interrupts your nail growth. Possible causes include:
- Chemotherapy.
- Damage from using artificial or acrylic nails or getting gel manicures for long periods.
- Injury to your nail, like slamming your finger in a door or dropping something on your foot.
- Peripheral vascular disease (PAD).
- Severe illness with high fever, such as COVID-19, measles or pneumonia.
Can vitamin or mineral deficiencies cause ridges in nails?
Certain nutritional deficiencies can cause changes to your nails. Zinc deficiency can cause Beau’s lines and white spots on your nails. Iron deficiency can cause vertical nail ridges and koilonychia (spoon nails). Spoon nails have a depression in the middle, like the center of your nail was scooped out. You may be able to hold a drop of water on your nail.
Care and Treatment
How are ridges in nails treated?
First, see a healthcare provider to find out the underlying cause. Treating the cause can usually improve the look of your nails and allow healthy nails to grow in.
For instance, medication for thyroid disease often improves or resolves related nail problems. Taking iron or zinc supplements — with your provider’s guidance — may help if you have a deficiency. However, it takes several months for your nails to grow out and it takes time to see a change in your nails.
If you have Beau’s lines from a previous illness, the lines should gradually grow out. But if you keep getting new Beau’s lines, tell your provider. Repeated Beau’s lines could be a sign that you have a condition that keeps interrupting your nail growth.
What can I do at home to treat ridges in nails?
If your provider has ruled out any health conditions, you can treat nail ridges with home care. The ridges may not go away completely, but you can improve the appearance of your nails if you:
- Apply moisturizer to your nails and cuticles daily to relieve dry skin or eczema. At bedtime, apply a skin cream to your hands and put on thin cotton gloves for sleeping. You can also apply a cream to your feet and wear cotton socks. If you have diabetes or neuropathy, talk to your healthcare provider about foot care.
- Ask your provider about taking biotin supplements, which could help with nail growth.
- Don’t bite your fingernails or cut your cuticles.
- Take breaks from getting gel manicures or using artificial nails or acrylics. Using these treatments continually can weaken your nails or dry them out.
- Trim your fingernails with a curved shape and your toenails straight across.
- Use a nail buffer to gently smooth the surface of your nails.
- Wear gloves that protect your hands when working with chemicals like household cleaners.
How can nail ridges be prevented?
There’s no guaranteed way to prevent nail ridges. But seeing your provider as recommended can help. Tell your provider about any health changes, including changes to your nails. If you develop nail ridges, your provider can work with you to treat the underlying cause.
Common Conditions: Signs of Vitamin Deficiency in Nails
Did you know the shape, texture and colour of your nails reveal all sorts of secrets about the health of your body? Yes, vital clues about your overall wellbeing may be lying just at the end of your fingertips. Here’s how to spot them…
Spoon nails
Koilonychias – or the more comically named ‘spoon-shaped’ nails, describes a condition where the nails turn concave. Sometimes, this can be caused by the overuse of cleaning agents or chemicals wearing the nail away. But more commonly, it’s the result of an iron deficiency. A simple blood test should determine if you’re low in iron, which can be treated with a high strength supplement (ahem, our Iron 14mg as Citrate would do the trick).
White spots
While most people believe white spots on your nails indicate a lack of calcium in the diet, it turns out this a common misconception. Milk spots or leukonychia actually result from a more straightforward and simple explanation: you bumped or injured your nail. So, you’ll be glad to hear there’s no need to down pints of milk at the first glimpse of a white spot on your fingertips! The solution: strengthen your nails to prevent future injury by using grapeseed oil or a vitamin-E based hand cream.
Brittle nails
Brittle nails tend to be fragmented at the edges, crumbly, and have a yellowish tinge. If it’s just your fingernails that are affected, then this brittleness could stem from something external like harsh cleaning agents. However, if your toenails are also brittle, then you could have a nail infection.
Nail pitting
Ever wondered what explains those strange dimples and pinhead-sized dents on your fingernails? This nail malformation is usually triggered by allergic or immune related skin problems. Some doctors recommend taking a high-strength vitamin D supplement to help with this.
Transverse grooves
Coined after the French physician Joseph Honore Simon Beau who first noticed the condition, ‘Beau’s Lines’ are single or multiple transverse furrows on the nail plate. These grooves can manifest from injury to the nail root, damage from certain medication like chemotherapy, or if you suffer from cold hands and feet. Usually, nature will run its course and this abnormality will dissipate after six months. A quick word on cold hands and feet problems though: it’s best to avoid exposing your hands to fluctuating temperatures, and you may even consider Veintain® to help with circulation of your extremities. This specialist formula contains Ginkgo 6000 and the warming spices of ginger and cinnamon extracts.
Nail clubbing
Often described as ‘watch-glass nails’, this condition causes your nails to become round and convex, with the tips of your fingers appearing swollen. This complaint is often associated with issues relating to the heart or the lungs. To rule out any serious health issues, it’s wise to visit your GP for a routine examination.
Longitudinal grooves
This abnormality produces grooves that run from the nail bed to the edge, giving the surface a lacklustre and uneven finish. Though this condition is usually a tell-tale sign of old age, it could also signal low levels of vitamin B12. To improve the appearance of your nails, replenish your hands with an age-related moisturiser. And to ‘up’ your natural stocks of vitamin B12, make sure you eat plenty of meat, fish, dairy and eggs, or take a quality vitamin B12 supplement
Split nails
Split nails occur when the nail bed becomes broken and separated, which can be unsightly and inconvenient (especially when it keeps catching on your clothes – argh!) Typically, this problem is caused by mechanical or chemical damage to the nail root. This good news is that you can use clear polish or nail glue to cement it back together, and it should grow out in time. Phew.
Cracked nails
Dry and brittle nails can stem from all sorts of things: the natural ageing process, the long-term use of nail polish, and exposure to moist conditions such as swimming or washing up. If this is coupled with a yellowish hue though, it’s more likely to be a fungal infection. Concerned? Best get it checked out by your GP.
Can’t stop gnawing away at your nails when you’re feeling stressed or anxious? Although this habit can be an immensely satisfying way to curb your cortisol levels, each nibble and bite is not worth the long-term health implications for your fingertips. More scientifically known as onychophagia, nail biting doesn’t only damage your nails, but it can cause a transfer of bacteria from your mouth to your nails. This can lead to infections like paronychia, where the skin around your nails becomes red, raw and tender – ouch! But nail biting goes beyond just an unsightly, vulgar habit. Often, it can manifest from a mental health condition such as an anxiety disorder.
Thankfully, all the damage done to your nails is totally reversible, granted you kick the bad habit and change your behaviour. Of course, the real issue is how! Firstly, it’s a good idea to keep your nails short so there’s literally nothing left to chew, bite or gnaw away at. You could also try distracting your hands and mouth by chewing gum or squeezing a stress ball. And perhaps you could finally invest in that anti-biting varnish you’ve been meaning to get? It’s also worth considering Rhodiola Rosea if you’re juggling lots of balls or our Theanine supplement.
Pale and white nails
Very pale nails or white nails with a darker rim could signal an underlying health concern. To rule out anything serious, visit your GP.
Black lines
If you’ve spotted a black stripe lingering on your nail, then despite looking a little strange, it’s likely to be a benign mole. Although probably nothing to worry about, it’s best to this little guy checked out by your doctor. Noticed a change in shape? See a dermatologist to get to the bottom of it.
Bluish nails
A strange bluish tint on your talons may indicate a circulatory problem. Visit your GP if you begin to see blue.
Yellow nails
The most common cause of a yellowish hue is a fungal infection. As the infection worsens, your nails may thicken, crumble and even retract. Fortunately, this is a pretty easy condition to treat with over-the-counter anti-fungal medication.
Seeing red?
If you’re a serial biter, picker or peeler, then any redness around your nail could simply result from inflammation. But on a more serious note, this could also signal an allergic reaction. Nail polish often contains harsh chemicals like camphor and formaldehyde, which can sometimes spark allergies. To avoid any unwanted reactions, opt for non-toxic nail varnishes where possible.