Do You Weigh More After Working Out

Do You Weigh More After Working Out

How Long Does Temporary Weight Gain After Exercise Last

It’s important to remember that weight changes are common and can be caused by a variety of things, such as hydration levels, hormone changes, and nutritional consumption. It’s important to concentrate on long-term weight patterns rather than becoming unduly worried with transient changes.

Why Do You Gain Weight Before Losing It?

This phenomenon can be frustrating, but it’s far from uncommon. Here are 5 ways this can happen — and what you can do to move the needle in the right direction.

Updated on August 8, 2024

If you’re feeling flummoxed by weight gain after you’ve started a new exercise and diet regimen, take heart: It’s not unusual, and it’s likely temporary. iStock; Stocksy

If you’re trying to lose weight by embarking on a new fitness and diet routine or stepping up your current one — by doing things like eating nutritious and healthy foods, watching your calorie intake, hitting the gym, and moving more during the day — only to see your efforts result in scale readings tipping up instead of down, you may be wondering: Is it normal to gain weight before losing it? Long story short: Yes, it’s normal. And you’re not alone. “When someone begins exercising for the first time or significantly increases their exercise intensity, the body will undergo multiple initial adaptive responses that may lead to initial weight gain, rather than weight loss,” says Christopher McGowan, MD, a gastroenterologist and weight loss expert in Cary, North Carolina. And that’s not all that may be in play. Making smart diet choices matters, too, especially when it comes to lasting weight loss. Here are possible reasons you may gain weight before losing it and what you can do about it.

1. Your Body Is Holding On to Water Weight

During regular exercise, the body preserves more glycogen, or the stored form of glucose that provides energy to muscles to power workouts. [ 1 ] [ 2 ] “Glycogen can rapidly provide energy — in the form of glucose — when needed,” says Dr. McGowan.

But because glycogen binds with water to fuel muscles, that water can increase your weight slightly in the initial weeks of a new workout routine. “Glycogen binds to water in a 1:3 ratio, meaning that for each gram of glycogen you add, you will add 3 grams of water,” says McGowan. “For someone initiating exercise, glycogen stores will increase, leading to an increase in water weight. This can be discouraging as your initial efforts will seemingly lead to weight gain, rather than weight loss.”

What You Can Do

Give it time. Your muscles will gradually acclimate to your workout regimen and will need less glycogen to meet the same energy demands, which means less water retention and less weight gain from glycogen storage. “Eventually, as you remain consistent with exercise, the body will reach a steady state and may even shed some of this glycogen as your exercise efficiency improves,” says McGowan. “And over time, this initial weight gain will be irrelevant as real, meaningful changes in body composition occur.” [ 1 ]

2. Inflammation Is Causing Fluid Retention

If you’re an exercise newbie or kicking off a new routine, a risk is overworking yourself, which can cause injury and inflammation, says Colleen Tewksbury, PhD, MPH, an assistant professor of nutrition science at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing in Philadelphia and a national spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In response, the body retains fluids in an attempt to heal the damaged muscle fibers, which can lead to temporary weight gain. “Just as rising glycogen stores will lead to water retention, damage to muscle fibers may precipitate inflammation and swelling of the muscle tissues, contributing to fluid retention,” says McGowan. “However, these fluid shifts are only temporary and do not represent actual weight gain.”

What You Can Do

Don’t overdo it! Start slow, with short, light-intensity exercise. Physical activity can help support your weight loss goals, but it’s important to remember that pushing yourself too hard can lead to injury. Work with an experienced physical therapist or trainer who can help you find ways to get fit safely, give yourself time to heal after workouts, and never push yourself through pain.

Is Strength Training Good for Weight Loss?

Discover how strength training can aid weight loss.

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3. Your Muscle Mass Is Increasing

While you may be getting fitter and building lean muscle on the inside, the numbers on the scale may not reflect that. That’s because fat takes up more space than muscle, so when you become leaner and pack on denser muscle while losing fat, it’s likely that you may not weigh less, and may even weigh more, according to the Cleveland Clinic. You may have heard the phrase “muscle weighs more than fat,” which isn’t technically true as a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle. What is true is that the volume of fat and muscle are very different. [ 3 ]

When you put on 10 pounds of fat, it’ll take up more space and you’ll look softer, but when you put on 10 pounds of muscle, you’ll look leaner. “Per unit volume, muscle weighs more than fat, so shedding fat and gaining muscle may not immediately change the scale but will result in changes in shape, tone, and measurements,” says McGowan. [ 3 ]

In other words, you may look leaner as you build muscle and lose fat, but you may actually start to weigh more. While this won’t happen right away — it may take about a month or two, according to the Cleveland Clinic — this may be one reason why you see the numbers on the scale creep up even as you become more fit.

What You Can Do

Don’t stress about the numbers on the scale, or even your body mass index (BMI), which estimates the amount of body fat by using your height and weight. While BMI is better at estimating body fat than a simple scale, it does not distinguish between fat mass and body mass, and it doesn’t accurately measure the full amount of fat in the body, according to research. [ 4 ]

Observe how your body is changing, rather than obsessing over the numbers on the scale, and check in with your doctor to make sure you’re hitting the right goals for you. Remember that losing fat and gaining muscle both play an important role in improving your health.

4. You’re Not Fueling Your Workouts Sufficiently

When embarking on a weight loss journey, you may think that eating less and exercising more is a silver bullet, but it’s not that simple. If you’re routinely skipping breakfast and working out on an empty stomach, for example, you may be more likely to overeat, says Melissa Majumdar, RD, the metabolic and bariatric coordinator at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. “With timing your meal or snack and exercise, you have to be aware of overall calorie intake because your hunger may increase with additional exercise,” she says.

What You Can Do

Time your snacks and meals according to when you exercise. Majumdar recommends watching not only what foods you eat and portion sizes but when you eat in relation to when you’re working out. She advises making sure that you’re not skipping meals but that you are eating enough before exercise.

Eating healthy snacks before and after workouts can help prevent overeating. A review found that eating a light meal before and after exercise (compared with fasting before exercise or not eating after exercise) resulted in the least amount of calorie intake after finishing workouts. [ 5 ]

Your body needs a combination of protein and carbs to fuel and help build and repair muscles. Aim to eat at least one to four hours before a workout and about an hour after exercise. [ 6 ]

Good options for preworkout snacks include an apple with peanut or almond butter, or oatmeal with low-fat milk and fruit. Good postworkout options include low-fat yogurt with fruit. [ 6 ]

5. You’re Overdoing It on High-Protein Supplements or Carbs

For some people, the opposite of not eating enough before exercise can apply — they try to fuel their workouts too much. It can be all too easy to fall into the trap of thinking you need to chow down on protein shakes or bars, or load up on carbs, to boost your workouts. Protein, says McGowan, is important for feeling full and satisfied after eating, and it is the building block for muscle. “Protein bars, protein shakes, and other high-protein supplements can be a great addition to a person’s nutrition plan, particularly when training hard or when trying to preserve muscle mass while losing weight,” he says. “But too much of a good thing can be problematic, and overemphasizing protein may lead to excess calories without additional benefits.”

What You Can Do

When choosing protein supplements, McGowan advises reading nutrition labels carefully and avoiding products that contain high amounts of sugar and fat. And while carbohydrates are a vital energy source, you should also avoid adding extra to your plate, says McGowan. “Protein, carbohydrates, and fats should be consumed in a balanced ratio to provide energy, amino acids, and the healthy fats necessary for the body’s function,” he explains. “Just as disproportionate protein can lead to caloric excess, overemphasizing carbohydrates can lead to weight gain and may interfere with weight loss.” Bottom line: If you want to build muscle with exercises such as resistance training, “it is generally considered best practice to use a food-first approach to add protein to your diet,” says Lance Walker, a physical therapist at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater and an expert in sports medicine who advises often on weight loss. As for eating extra carbohydrates, says Walker, it’s not necessary even for competitive athletes, unless they’re engaging in endurance sports such as marathons or triathlons.

More Strategies to Manage Weight Gain After Starting a New Workout Plan

Now that you know what may be behind this surprising and confounding phenomenon, here are some more tips that may help you move past it as you work to achieve your weight loss goals. Remember: It’s temporary. While it’s understandable that you may feel disheartened by not getting the scale readings you were expecting to see, keep following the healthy eating and fitness plan you’ve crafted with your doctor or other healthcare provider. Many of the factors that may be contributing to weight gain before weight loss are temporary or will diminish over time. Track your average weight over time. “When we talk about weight management and trying to lose weight, we want to look at an average,” says Dr. Tewksbury. She notes that someone may gain 3 pounds in the first week and then lose 2, and that it’s normal for weight loss to be very gradual and fluctuate. Instead of weighing yourself daily, consider doing it once per week. Better yet, avoid the scale during the early stages of starting an exercise program, says Majumdar, and rely on other barometers of progress such as how clothes are fitting, especially if your new workout plan has you building muscle.

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Keep a food journal. Writing down or using an app to record what you’re eating is an important part of a weight loss program. According to a review, there is solid evidence that people who keep track of what they are eating lose more weight while using a weight loss program and regain less of it back after the program ends. The review also found that easy-to-use electronic tools, such as apps, when used alongside a weight management plan, can make it even easier to keep a food journal and improve weight loss compared with paper and pen self-monitoring tools. [ 7 ]

People will often consume extra calories without realizing it because they’re exercising on any given day or treat themselves because they did exercise. “We actually underestimate how many calories we’re eating, and we overestimate how many calories we’re actually burning with exercise,” says Tewksbury. “We typically don’t recommend that people add additional food to compensate for calories burned while exercising.” Work with a registered dietitian. If you’re looking to try and lose weight and change your diet and exercise routines, seek advice from a registered dietitian-nutritionist, says Tewksbury. She notes that a dietitian can help you figure out what to do, how to do it, and how to keep up with it over time. Plus, they can help you identify what factors may be interfering with weight loss or even tipping the scales higher than before you started dieting and exercising. “If you start making behavioral changes and you’re not seeing what you were working toward after a certain amount of time, there might be something else going on,” says Tewksbury.

The Takeaway

If your goal is to lose weight and you’re not yet seeing results, rest assured it’s likely temporary. Yet being aware of the factors that may be getting in the way of your aim is key, as is knowing how to overcome them. To increase your chances for reaching your target weight in a healthy and sustainable way, talk to your doctor to make sure you don’t have any conditions that may affect weight loss — such as hypothyroidism or diabetes — and consider working with a healthcare professional such as a registered dietitian. Take heart, stay the course, and keep working on your health and fitness plan to move toward your weight management goals, and know that it will all be worthwhile in the long run. Additional reporting by Don Rauf.

How Long Does Temporary Weight Gain After Exercise Last?

The duration of transient weight gain following exercise varies from person to person and is influenced by a number of variables. It’s usual to suffer a brief weight gain following physical exercise as a result of things like water retention, inflammation, and muscle glycogen replenishment. The length of this weight increase, though, is usually brief and goes away in a few days.

The body returns to its normal weight by repairing muscle tissue and adjusting its fluid balance. It’s crucial to understand that this transient weight increase is unconnected to the buildup of body fat and is not reason for alarm. You may aid your body’s natural processes and lessen the length and severity of temporary weight gain after exercise by keeping a regular exercise schedule, adhering to a balanced diet, remaining hydrated, and providing enough time for recuperation.

What Causes Temporary Weight Gain After Exercising?

Exercise-related temporary weight gain can be caused by a number of things. Here are some potential explanations:

  • Water Retention: Exercising vigorously might cause short-term water retention in the body. Exercise causes the body to release stress hormones like cortisol, which can lead to fluid changes and water retention. This may cause a brief rise in weight that is largely the product of water retention rather than fat.
  • Muscle Inflammation: When you workout hard or do resistance training, your muscles’ fibers may experience microtears. As the body heals and rebuilds the damaged muscles, an inflammatory reaction is triggered. Fluid retention brought on by inflammation might result in a brief rise in weight.
  • Glycogen Storage: Your body uses glycogen, or glucose that has been stored in your muscles and liver, as an energy source when you’re doing out. Your body replaces these glycogen reserves after exercise, and glycogen forms bonds with water molecules. Temporary weight gain may result from this when your body replenishes its energy supplies.
  • Increased Blood Volume: To fulfill the oxygen requirements of functioning muscles, exercise can cause an increase in blood volume. Your total weight may temporarily increase due to the increased blood volume.

What Factors Influence How Long Temporary Weight Gain After Exercise Lasts?

Several variables can affect how long temporary weight gain occurs after exercise. The length and intensity of your workout also matter since they might increase muscle inflammation, deplete your glycogen stores, and cause water retention, which could prolong your temporary weight gain.

Your degree of fitness is also important since people who aren’t used to vigorous activity may have more obvious weight gain. It’s important to monitor your hydration levels since dehydration or excessive perspiration might cause water loss to be more severe and lengthen the time it takes for you to gain weight.

Your food and nutritional choices are important, and a balanced diet with adequate carbohydrate replenishment will help you recover more quickly and gain less weight over a shorter period of time. Recovery and rest are crucial since overtraining or inadequate recovery might cause weight gain to last longer.

Furthermore, individual differences like genetics and metabolism might have an impact on how long weight gain following activity lasts. It’s crucial to realize that brief weight gain is common and usually not a reason for alarm. It’s advised to speak with a healthcare provider for a more thorough review if you have recurrent weight gain that is unrelated to activity.

Is Temporary Weight Gain After Exercise Normal?

Yes, it is typical and rather frequent to have brief weight increase following activity. It’s critical to distinguish between short-term fat gain and long-term weight gain, the former of which is often brought on by processes like muscle inflammation, glycogen replenishment, and water retention.

Temporary weight gain with exercise is usually transient and shouldn’t raise any concerns. It does not necessarily mean that body fat has increased. Your body changes physiologically when you exercise, including water retention, an increase in blood volume, and muscle inflammation.

These elements may lead to a brief gain in weight just after exercise. This weight increase is temporary, though, and should go away when your body regains its fluid balance and the muscles heal.

It’s important to remember that weight changes are common and can be caused by a variety of things, such as hydration levels, hormone changes, and nutritional consumption. It’s important to concentrate on long-term weight patterns rather than becoming unduly worried with transient changes.

What are the Tips for Preventing Temporary Weight Gain After Exercising?

A healthy lifestyle must include frequent exercise to promote fitness, strength, and general wellbeing. Even though it’s natural to gain weight briefly after working out, knowing how to handle it will help you have a positive outlook and be encouraged to continue your fitness quest.

You may lessen or avoid the brief weight gain brought on by exercise by using specific tactics. In this post, we’ll look at a variety of practical advice and techniques that can help you stay balanced in your workout routine, control fluid retention, improve recovery, and further your overall weight loss objectives.

Using these suggestions can help you establish a healthier relationship with your body and fitness program while navigating any brief weight changes that may happen after working out.

1. Stay Hydrated During and After Exercise

One of the most important suggestions for avoiding short-term weight gain is to stay hydrated before, during, and after exercise. For the body to function at its best and to maintain fluid balance, hydration is crucial. Because your body loses water when you exercise through perspiration, dehydration can result in water retention and a brief rise in weight.

Drink water before, during, and after your workout to keep hydrated. Drinking water while exercising helps replace fluids lost via perspiration, and drinking water after exercise promotes rehydration. When engaging in vigorous or extended exercise, think about drinking electrolyte-rich drinks to replenish vital minerals lost via perspiration.

Assessing your level of hydration may also be done by keeping an eye on the color of your pee. Urine should be a light yellow or straw hue to indicate proper hydration. Individual hydration requirements differ, so pay attention to your body’s cues and modify your fluid intake as necessary. Maintaining fluid balance, promoting general health, and reducing short-term weight gain after exercise may all be achieved by putting hydration first.

2. Avoid Overeating After Exercise

Another crucial suggestion for reducing temporary weight gain is to refrain from overeating after exercise. It’s typical to feel hungry and to have an increased appetite after working exercise. But ingesting too many calories might counteract the benefits of exercise in burning calories and perhaps result in weight gain.

Pay attention to your body’s hunger signals and eat slowly to prevent overeating. Concentrate on providing your body with nourishment by eating a balanced meal or snack that has a variety of fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, and lean proteins. These meals support fullness while offering vital nutrients.

Be mindful of portion sizes as well and refrain from using exercise as an excuse to overindulge in unhealthy or high-calorie foods. Keep in mind that the objective is to maintain a calorie balance that supports your weight loss objectives.

3. Do Not Underestimate the Power of Recovery Sleep

Do not underestimate the power of recovery sleep when it comes to preventing temporary weight gain after exercising. Sleep plays a crucial role in the body’s ability to repair and recover from physical activity. Inadequate sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, increase stress levels, and impact metabolism, potentially leading to weight fluctuations.

Aim to prioritize quality sleep following your workouts to optimize recovery and support weight management. Establish a consistent sleep routine, creating a conducive environment for restful sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night, allowing your body ample time to recover. Adequate sleep not only helps regulate appetite hormones but also promotes overall well-being, mental clarity, and physical performance.

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4. Consider Taking Supplements

The usage of supplements may be advantageous for reducing transient weight gain during exercise, but it’s crucial to proceed cautiously. Supplements can improve general health and may even help with weight control, but they shouldn’t be used in place of a balanced diet. After exercise, some supplements, like protein powders, can help muscles heal and repair, which may reduce muscular inflammation and the ensuing temporary weight gain.

Omega-3 fatty acids, green tea extract, and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), among other supplements, have also been linked to only mild impacts on metabolism and fat burning. Prior to introducing any supplements into your regimen, you must speak with a trained nutritionist or a healthcare provider.

They may evaluate your unique requirements, take into account any underlying medical issues or drugs you might be taking, and offer tailored advice. Keep in mind that supplements shouldn’t be used as the only remedy for issues with exercise or weight control; rather, they should be used to enhance a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

5. Try Interval Workouts

A good exercise advice for avoiding short-term weight gain is to include interval training in your program. In interval training, short rest intervals are interspersed with bursts of intense exercise. It has been demonstrated that this kind of exercise successfully burns calories, increases metabolism, and enhances cardiovascular fitness.

You may increase your calorie expenditure throughout your workout and possibly trigger more afterburn, or post-exercise calorie burning, by doing short, intense bursts of activity. This can lessen any short-term weight gain brought on by conditions like water retention or glycogen synthesis.

Additionally, interval training provides diversity and may keep your exercise program interesting and difficult. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to adjust the intensity and length of interval training to your degree of fitness and capabilities. Before beginning high-intensity intervals, always warm up. To prevent overexertion or injury, pay attention to your body.

6. Increase Calorie Intake During Recovery

One advice for avoiding short-term weight gain is to include interval training in your exercise regimen. High-intensity exercise sessions are interspersed with quick rest intervals during interval training. This kind of exercise has been demonstrated to efficiently burn calories, increase metabolism, and enhance cardiovascular fitness.

You may optimize your calorie expenditure during your workout and perhaps increase the afterburn effect, which is the calorie burning that occurs after you exercise, by engaging in short, intense bursts of activity. This might lessen any short-term weight gain that might happen as a result of things like water retention or glycogen replenishment.

Exercises with intervals provide variation and can keep your exercise program interesting and difficult. The intensity and length of interval training must be adjusted, though, based on your degree of fitness and your capabilities. To prevent overexertion or injury, always warm up before beginning high-intensity intervals.

7. Focus on Muscle Hypertrophy Training

Prevention of post-workout weight gain can be aided by strength training for muscle building. muscular hypertrophy, or the growth and adaptation of muscular fibers, can help improve body tone and definition. Resistance training activities that target the major muscle groups, such weightlifting or bodyweight exercises, may help you increase muscular growth and lean muscle mass.

The increased resting metabolic rate that results from increasing muscle mass is only one of the many benefits of weight training. This may help counteract any short-term weight gain that may occur due to things like water retention or glycogen replenishment. In addition, increasing muscle mass may improve body composition independently of weight since muscular tissue is denser than fat.

You should see a fitness expert to develop a muscle hypertrophy training program tailored to your specific demands and goals. For optimal results and long-term weight maintenance, combine strength training with a nutritious diet, plenty of rest, and regular cardiovascular exercise.

8. Incorporate Strength Training Exercises into Your Routine

A great suggestion for reducing short-term weight gain following exercise is to include strength training activities in your program. In order to develop and strengthen muscles, strength training, sometimes referred to as resistance training, uses weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises.

Strength training helps you burn more calories and control your weight since it increases your muscle mass and metabolic rate. Your body gets better at using energy as you acquire lean muscle, which can help offset any brief weight increase brought on by things like water retention or glycogen replenishment. Strength training also promotes a leaner and more toned physique by enhancing overall body composition.

Squats, deadlifts, lunges, and push-ups are a few examples of complex exercises that you should try to incorporate into your regimen. Start with appropriate form, then progressively up the resistance and intensity over time. A strength training program may be created to meet your objectives and capabilities with the help of a fitness expert.

9. Have a Plan for Your Workouts

It’s important to have a strategy for your workouts if you want to avoid gaining weight right away after working out. Making the most of your time and effort during your workouts depends on having a clear strategy before you start. You can maintain consistency, motivation, and attention in your fitness regimen.

Establish clear objectives first, then choose the kinds of workouts and activities that will help you achieve them. This could involve cardiovascular activity, weight lifting, flexibility drills, or a mix of several modalities. Determine in advance the length, level of difficulty, and frequency of your exercises.

You may balance various workout styles and effectively target various muscle groups by using an organized regimen. You may also use it to monitor your advancement over time. A fitness schedule also gives you structure and lowers your risk of skipping or being inconsistent with your routines.

10. Use Supportive Apparel When Training

Wearing supportive clothing while exercising can significantly improve your workout and help you avoid short-term weight gain. The perfect exercise clothing may offer utility, comfort, and adequate support, enabling you to move freely and with confidence during your workouts.

Choose breathable and moisture-wicking fabrics for your workout attire since they will keep you dry and aid to regulate body temperature. Sports bras that are properly fitting provide crucial support for female athletes, minimizing pain and the risk of breast tissue abrasion.

Athletic shoes with good fit, stability, and cushioning can assist optimal biomechanics and help prevent injuries. Additionally, think about using supportive or compression apparel for a particular activity or target area as these help improve circulation and lessen pain in the muscles. Wearing supportive clothing can help you perform better, feel less uncomfortable, and possibly even enhance how your body reacts to exercise.

You can concentrate on your workout, maintain good technique, and put out your best effort when you feel at ease and supported, which ultimately helps with weight control and the development of your general fitness.

How Can I Minimize Temporary Weight Gain After Exercise?

You can employ the following tactics to reduce short-term weight gain following exercise:

  • Stay hydrated: Keep yourself well hydrated to avoid water retention and to assist maintain fluid balance. Before, during, and after your workouts, drink water. If you exercise vigorously or for an extended period of time, think about drinking something electrolyte-rich.
  • Keep your diet well-balanced by focusing on lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. After exercising, limit your intake and pay attention to portion sizes.
  • Strengthening exercises should be a part of your regimen since they help you develop lean muscle mass, which raises your metabolism and encourages a healthier body composition.
  • After working out, give your body enough time to rest and rejuvenate. Get adequate good sleep because it is essential for hormone regulation and general wellness.
  • Prolonged stress might affect dietary efforts. Engage in relaxing activities you love, such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, or deep breathing.
  • Temporary weight gain is typical and may change as a result of things like muscle inflammation or water retention. Track your development over time and take into account long-term trends in weight and body composition rather than just concentrating on short-term improvements.

What Role Do Water Retention and Inflammation Play in Temporary Weight Gain After Exercise?

Water retention and inflammation can contribute to temporary weight gain after exercise. Here’s how each of these factors plays a role:

  1. Water retention: During exercise, your body increases blood flow and fluid volume to deliver oxygen and nutrients to working muscles. This can result in temporary water retention. Additionally, intense or prolonged exercise can cause small tears in muscle fibers, leading to localized inflammation. In response, your body retains water to aid in the repair and recovery process. The extra water can temporarily increase your weight on the scale.
  2. Inflammation: Intense or unaccustomed exercise can trigger an inflammatory response in the body. This is a natural process that helps repair damaged tissues and initiate muscle growth. Inflammatory markers, such as cytokines, are released, causing temporary swelling and fluid accumulation in the muscles. This localized inflammation can contribute to temporary weight gain after exercise.

It’s important to note that both water retention and inflammation are part of the body’s normal physiological response to exercise. They are temporary and typically subside as your body restores fluid balance and repairs muscle tissue. It’s also worth mentioning that these factors do not necessarily indicate an increase in body fat. Therefore, focusing on long-term trends in weight and body composition rather than immediate fluctuations is key to understanding your progress and overall fitness goals.

What Hormones Are Involved in Temporary Weight Gain After Exercise?

Hormones that control metabolism, fluid balance, and tissue regeneration may contribute to temporary weight gain after exercise. Exercise releases cortisol, sometimes known as the stress hormone, which, if high for a prolonged period of time, can cause temporary weight gain.

Water retention may be caused by an increase in aldosterone, which regulates fluid balance. Due to its effects on glucose absorption and fluid balance, the hormone insulin, which controls blood sugar, can also affect transient weight gain. Exercise causes the production of growth hormone, which promotes muscle development and repair and may lead to fluid retention.

It’s crucial to realize that these hormonal reactions, which are often fleeting, are a natural aspect of the body’s adaptation to exercise. To correctly assess progress, one must place more emphasis on long-term trends and general changes in body composition than on short-term variations.

Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD
Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD

Dermatologist in Battery Point, Australia

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