How Much Should A 7 Year Old Weigh

How Much Should A 7 Year Old Weigh

Children s weight

If your child’s just been measured at school, the results can sometimes be surprising, but they’re just a snapshot of your child’s weight at that moment in time.

How Much Should I Weigh for My Age and Height?

The ideal body weight for age and height is a little different for everyone; it’s based on gender, body fat percentage, build, and other factors. Average American weights heights are considered obese — about 170 lbs./5’3” for women and 197 lbs./5’9” for men — so “average” doesn’t mean “healthy.”

A person’s ideal weight depends on a number of factors, such as:

  • Gender
  • Height
  • Frame size
  • Fat and muscle proportion

According to The Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the average weight, height, and waist measurement for American adults age 20 years and older is:

  • Women
    • Average weight: 170.5 pounds
    • Average height: 5 feet , 3.6 inches tall
    • Average waist measurement: 38.7 inches
    • Average weight: 197.8 pounds
    • Average height: 5 feet, 9 inches tall
    • Average waist measurement: 40.3 inches

    Though these are averages, it does not mean these weights are ideal for health. The CDC also found the average American adult’s body mass index (BMI), a calculation based on height and weight that can provide an estimate of total body fat, was 29.6 for women and 29.1 for men, both of which are considered overweight.

    How Can BMI Be Used to Determine Ideal Weight?

    BMI (body mass index) is a tool doctors use to determine if a person is overweight, and to what degree. BMI is often used to determine ideal weight ranges. In adults, BMI does not correlate to age.

    BMI is used slightly differently in children, in that it is calculated the same way as it is for adults, but then the ranges are compared to percentiles for children of the same age and sex.

    BMI is calculated from the weight and square of the height:

    BMI = body weight (in kg) ÷ height (in meters) squared

    • BMI less than 18.5: Below normal weight
    • BMI 18.5 to under 24.9: Normal weight
    • BMI 25 to under 29.9: Overweight
    • BMI 30 to under 34.9: Class I Obesity
    • BMI 35 to under 39.9: Class II Obesity
    • BMI 40 or greater: Class III Obesity
    Healthy weight ranges for adults chart

    Height Weight (based on normal BMI of 19–24)
    4’10” 91–115 lbs.
    4’11” 94–119 lbs.
    5’0″ 97–123 lbs.
    5’1″ 100–127 lbs.
    5’2″ 104–131 lbs.
    5’3″ 107–135 lbs.
    5’4″ 110–140 lbs.
    5’5″ 114–144 Ibs.
    5’6″ 118–148 lbs.
    5’7″ 121–153 lbs.
    5’8″ 125–158 lbs.
    5’9″ 128–162 lbs.
    5’10” 132–167 lbs.
    5’11” 136–172 lbs.
    6’0″ 140–177 lbs.
    6’1″ 144–182 lbs.
    6’2″ 148–186 lbs.
    6’3″ 152–192 lbs.

    Children’s weight

    “How much should my child weigh?” is a common question for parents. Our children are weighed regularly as babies, but as children grow and develop at different rates it’s not always easy to tell if they are a healthy weight.

    How to check your child is a healthy weight

    For children and young people aged 2 to 18, you can check their weight by working out their body mass index (BMI) using the NHS BMI calculator.

    A child’s BMI tells us if their weight is right for their height, and the result is given as a centile (or percentile). For example, a healthy weight result is between the 3rd and 91st centile.

    The BMI calculator takes into account age and sex, as well as height and weight.

    If you are concerned about your child’s weight or growth, contact a GP or school nurse.

    School height and weight checks

    Children are weighed and measured at school in Reception and Year 6 as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP).

    Their height and weight are measured and used to calculate their body mass index (BMI). This information is used to plan and provide better services for children and families.

    Have you received a letter from your child’s school?

    If your child’s just been measured at school, the results can sometimes be surprising, but they’re just a snapshot of your child’s weight at that moment in time.

    If you are worried, speak to your GP or school nurse for advice and support. You can also call the number on the results letter for advice and support.

    How to check your child’s result

    You can use the NHS BMI calculator to check your child’s result, and see if it changes as they grow.

    Should you talk to your child about their result?

    This is entirely up to you. The letter is sent to you, and the school will not tell your child the result.

    Some parents decide to tell their children and talk about the changes they need to make together. Others decide not to, as younger children may be less able to understand, and it might be simpler to make lifestyle changes without talking to them.

    If you decide to speak to your child, talking openly about weight can help to build trust and reassure your child that it is not something to feel ashamed about.

    Here are some tips that can help you talk about weight:

    • avoid blame – focus instead on the healthy things you and your family can do
    • talk about weight in a kind and supportive way
    • talk about how weight is important for health, energy and what the body can do
    • teach your child that everyone deserves respect – whatever their body size, shape or ability

    Very overweight

    Very overweight children tend to grow up to be very overweight adults, which can lead to health problems.

    If your child is very overweight, there’s lots you can do to help them become a healthier weight as they grow. Getting them to be more active and eat well is important.


    More young children than ever are overweight, but it’s not always easy to tell if toddlers and very young children are overweight.

    As a parent, there’s plenty you can do to help your child become a healthier weight, like getting them eating well and increasing their activity levels.

    Healthy weight

    If your child is already a healthy weight, there are lots of things you can do as a parent to help your child stay at a healthy weight as they grow.

    Keep encouraging your child to eat well and move more, and they are more likely to stay a healthy weight.

    You can also check their BMI every now and then using the NHS BMI calculator to make sure they stay in the healthy range.


    If you’re concerned your child is underweight, take your child to see your GP. Low weight can occur for a number of reasons.

    If there is a possible problem with your child’s diet, your GP can give advice on what will help bring them up to a healthy weight, or refer your child to a dietitian.

    You can check your child’s height and weight to see if they have moved into the healthy range as they grow using the NHS BMI calculator.

    6 ways to help your child with their weight

    Small lifestyle changes can make a big difference – try these top tips.

    1. Find some support

    Speak to your child’s school nurse, GP or practice nurse who will help support your family with diet and lifestyle changes if needed.

    2. Make some healthier food swaps

    There are lots of easy ways to cut back on sugar, salt and saturated fat – get started with our top tips and simple swaps.

    3. Eat balanced meals

    Find out what a healthy, balanced diet looks like.

    4. Try some new recipes

    Get inspiration to help your family eat well every day.

    5. Get moving

    Try boosting your family’s activity levels in 10-minute bursts with our Disney inspired playalong games.

    6. Less screen time, better sleep

    Sitting around too much makes it more more likely your child will put on weight, and can affect how well they sleep. Sleeping well helps kids develop, stay healthy and perform better at school.

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Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD
Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD

Dermatologist in Battery Point, Australia

Articles: 523