Telephone call to Centrelink

Telephone call to Centrelink on 132 300 for seniors

by Christine Hopper

If you really need to talk to a Centrelink officer or make an appointment with the Financial Information Service then a telephone call to Centrelink might help you. Before you make that telephone call to Centrelink be sure to have your CRN handy.

Call 132 300 for enquiries about Age Pensions, Commonwealth Seniors Health Cards, Pensioner Concession Cards and the Financial Information Service.

Call 132 717 for enquiries about Carer Allowances and Carer Payments

Call 132 717 for enquiries about Disability Support Pension, Mobility Allowance and Sickness Allowance

To report your earnings and any other income for a means tested income support benefit, call 133 276 (13 EARN). This number should be responsive 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Telephone call to Centrelink on 132 850 for job seekers

Younger adults who need income support, NewStart, whilst they are seeking work can call Centrelink on 132 850 on business days.

Youth, that is, people under age 22 years, seeking work call 132 490 on business days.

132 850 is the number to call if you need Exceptional Circumstances Relief Help or Special Benefit

Older Australians telephone call to Centrelink on 132 300

Older Australians telephone call to Centrelink on 132 300. The lines open at 8am on ordinary business days.
The queue is cut off perhaps half an hour before Centrelink close at 5 pm.

The hold time for a telephone call to Centrelink is usually shorter on a morning in the middle of the working week. Monday, Friday and the business day after a public holiday are generally busier at Centrelink so your time on ‘hold’ time could be much longer.

Review team for resolving your Centrelink problems

Sometimes you just cannot maintain a working relationship with your local Centrelink office. Maybe you and the Centrelink office manager just cannot accept the other person’s viewpoint.

When you have a real misunderstanding or Centrelink have messed up your case, then you may call the Centrelink review team on 133 276.

Financial Care Services website has the numbers for your telephone call to Centrelink

Financial Care Services website has the numbers for your telephone call to Centrelink because we care to assist seniors with modest resources and people with disabilities.
Financial Care Services is a private advisory business specialising in personal Social Security advice regarding residential aged care and seniors with modest resources.

In April 2016, we found the Centrelink phone list at deep within the Centrelink website. This link could change suddenly and the list of numbers for telephone calls to Centrelink could be revised at any time.

If you need to talk to Centrelink by telephone then you could use the relevant number for your benefit type. But beware, telephone hold times of over two hours are ‘normal’ for Centrelink.

Financial Care Services Retirement Planning consultations

Financial Care Services assists seniors approaching retirement to estimate the amount of Age Pension if any they could get on retirement..
Our basic ‘$99 Special Age Pension Illustration Short Consultation’ is for current Age Pension information only.
Your Age Pension Illustration could provide you with similar information to that available free from the Centrelink Financial Information Service.

The staff at the Centrelink Financial Information Service are not permitted to offer any financial advice; FIS officers provide personal financial information only.

Short consultation at Financial Care Services for ‘personal factual financial information’

The ‘$99 Special Age Pension Illustration Short Consultation’ provides personal factual financial information in the form of an Illustration of the amount of Centrelink Age Pension you could receive today provided that you satisfied the age and residency conditions for a Centrelink Age Pension.

The ‘$99 Special Age Pension Illustration Short Consultation’ does not include any discussion of your situation or any ‘financial advice’ regarding rearrangement of your assets or changes to your superannuation provisions.

Longer ‘personal factual financial information’ consultations for complex cases

Financial Care Services offers longer ‘personal factual financial information’ consultations for clients with complex personal or business situations. These longer consultations are charged at $132 per hour including GST.

A longer personal factual financial information consultation can consider how your personal situation fits into the Centrelink ‘personal circumstances’ framework. Are you a single person or a member of a couple at Centrelink or one of a couple separated but living under one roof?

Seniors who are still in business as sole traders ask Christine to help define their business income and assets to fit into the Centrelink forms.

Christine at Financial Care Services can also help with completing the Centrelink forms for you to apply for the right Centrelink benefit.

About Financial Care Services

Financial Care Services is an independent advisory practice focused on seniors in transition to new lifestyles.

Christine at Financial Care Services is experienced with Centrelink financial asset definitions, means tests and Pension Applications.Christine understands both the DVA and Centrelink Pensions systems and the Commonwealth aged care fee arrangements.

As an independent adviser Financial Care Services charges fees based on the time and expertise required to advise our clients. Financial Care Services does not base fees on the value of your assets nor do we accept any commissions or payments from other service providers.