10 Warning Signs Of A Psychopath

10 Warning Signs Of A Psychopath

10 Warning Signs of A Psychopath: Unmask This Predator

They are champion liars. Their lies are beautiful.

10 Warning Signs That You’re Dealing With a Sociopath, Narcissist, or Psychopath

Psychopaths spend their lives learning how to mimic normal human emotions, but they don’t actually experience things like compassion and love.

  • breakup
  • cheater
  • cheating
  • cognitive dissonance
  • devalue and discard
  • education
  • emotional recovery
  • lying and liars
  • narcissism
  • projection
  • red flags
  • toxic people
  • triangulation

Psychopaths make up about 4% of the general population (as in, not in a mental institution or jail) and most of them aren’t serial killers. They’re your conniving co-worker who somehow seems to get away with everything. They’re that “perfect” ex who ran off with someone else. Or maybe they’re just the totally normal guy who served you coffee this morning.

Psychopaths look like you and me, but there’s one big difference: they don’t have a conscience. They can harm others with absolutely no sense of remorse or guilt. They spend their lives learning how to mimic normal human emotions, but they don’t actually experience any of those feelings. Things like compassion, love, trust, and forgiveness — all just convenient vulnerabilities to be exploited.

To any onlooker, a psychopath will slip through life unnoticed. They’re likable, friendly, and charming (not at all over-the-top). But to those who are unfortunate enough to become close to a psychopath, a nightmare will begin to unfold. What starts as a fairy tale slowly transforms into an incomprehensible mess of mind games and chaos.

Wondering if you might know (or even be in a relationship with) a psychopath? Here are the top 10 warning signs:

1. They reel you in with idealization, love-bombing, and flattery.

When you first meet a psychopath, things move extremely fast. They tell you how much they have in common with you — how perfect you are for them. Like a chameleon, they mirror your hopes, dreams, and insecurities to form an immediate bond of trust and excitement. They constantly initiate communication and seem to be fascinated with you on every level. If you have a Facebook page, they might plaster it with songs, compliments, poems, and inside jokes.

2. They prey on your emotions with pity plays and sympathy stories.

You’ll quickly find a soft spot in your heart for them. They often seem cute and innocent at first (forget your television idea of the arrogant narcissist with a flashy car). They’ll probably mention their abusive ex who’s still in love with them. They say that all they’ve ever wanted is some peace and quiet. They hate drama — and yet, you’ll soon come to notice there’s more drama surrounding them than anyone you’ve ever known.

3. They involve you in their own versions of “love triangles.”

Once you’re hooked, the triangulation sets in. They surround themselves with former lovers, potential mates, and anyone else who provides them with added attention. This includes people that the psychopath may have previously denounced and declared you superior to. This makes you feel confused and creates the perception that the psychopath is in high demand at all times.

4. They constantly rewrite reality and exhibit other crazy-making behavior.

They blatantly deny their own manipulative behavior and ignore evidence when confronted with it. They become dismissive and critical if you attempt to disprove their fabrications with facts. Instead of them actually addressing their inappropriate behavior, somehow it always becomes your fault for being “sensitive” and “crazy.” Toxic people condition you to believe that the problem isn’t the abuse itself, but instead your reactions to their abuse.

5. They accuse you of feeling emotions that they are intentionally provoking.

They call you jealous after blatantly flirting with an ex — often done over social networking for the entire world to see. They call you needy after intentionally ignoring you for days on end. They use your manufactured reactions to garner sympathy from other targets, trying to prove how “hysterical” you’ve become. You probably once considered yourself to be an exceptionally easygoing person, but an encounter with a psychopath will (temporarily) turn that notion upside down.

6. You’ve noticed them pathologically lying and making excuses.

There is always an excuse for everything, even things that don’t require excusing. They make up lies faster than you can question them. They constantly blame others — it is never their fault. They spend more time rationalizing their behavior than improving it. Even when caught in a lie, they express no remorse or embarrassment. Oftentimes, it almost seems as if they wanted you to catch them.

7. They provoke jealousy and rivalries while maintaining their cover of innocence.

They once directed all of their attention to you, which makes it especially confusing when they begin to withdraw and focus on other people. They do things that constantly make you doubt your place in their heart. If they’re active on social media, they’ll bait previously denounced exes with old songs, photos, and inside jokes. They attend to the “competition’s” activity and ignore yours.

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8. They withhold attention and undermine your self-esteem.

After once showering you with nonstop attention and admiration, they suddenly seem completely bored by you. They treat you with silence and become very annoyed that you’re interested in continuing the passionate relationship that they created. You begin to feel like a chore to them.

9. They exhibit selfishness and a crippling thirst for attention.

They drain the energy from you and consume your entire life. Their demand for adoration is insatiable. You thought you were the only one who could make them happy, but now you feel that anyone with a beating pulse could fit the role. However, the truth is: no one can fill the void of a psychopath’s soul.

10. You don’t recognize your own feelings.

Your natural love and compassion has transformed into overwhelming panic and anxiety. You apologize and cry more than you ever have in your life. You barely sleep, and you wake up every morning feeling anxious and unhinged. You have no idea what happened to your old relaxed, fun, easygoing self. After a run-in with a psychopath, you will feel insane, exhausted, drained, shocked, and empty. You tear apart your entire life — spending money, ending friendships, and searching for some sort of reason behind it all.

These relationships leave long-lasting damage, with feelings and doubts that you’ll never be good enough. Encounters with psychopaths are like drowning in a black hole, because no matter how much they hurt you, it’ll still be your fault. They ignore your best qualities and provoke your insecurities until your entire personality becomes unrecognizable.

Fortunately, there is always hope for healing.The first step is going “No Contact” (that includes texts, emails, and even Facebook peeking). It’ll feel impossible at first, but easier with time. You’ll slowly find your sanity returns and the chaos dissipates. Eventually, this experience will become an incredible opportunity to discover self-respect and make healthy boundaries that will serve you for the rest of your life.

I’ve written a new book about long-term healing. Whole Again is now published! If you would like to be notified about future books, you can enter your email address below. This is not a mailing list. Just a one-time notification:

Article Author: Peace

10 Warning Signs of A Psychopath: Unmask This Predator

Their egos are typically larger than their real selves, and they think are extraordinary and superior to everyone else. This makes them believe they deserve special treatment.

This grandiosity also makes them highly sensitive to criticism. They just cannot accept the truth that they can be less than perfect.

Keeping this in mind can help you avoid giving them strong negative feedback and protect yourself from their “reptilian” response.

3. Pathological Lying

They are champion liars. Their lies are beautiful.

Even when you know they are lying, you want to believe them.

One of the defining traits of a psychopath is their tendency to lie excessively, called pathological lying.

They often lie and add fake details to whatever they say for no clear reason. They may do so to check if they can manipulate others or to amuse themselves by fooling others.

Over time, people stop trusting anything they say as their lies get exposed.

Pathological lying, deception, and manipulation are the key features of the psychopath.

— Robert Hare and Adelle Forth

Moreover, they are good at pretending to be moved by your emotions.

They can seamlessly fit into any social situation, mirroring and amplifying the dominant emotions in the scene, without actually feeling anything.

5. Lack of Remorse or Guilt

One clear sign of psychopathy is a lack of remorse or guilt.

Psychopaths don’t feel bad about the harm they cause to others, and they often seem indifferent or unconcerned when facing consequences.

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This emotional detachment lets them carry on with their harmful actions without being weighed down by guilt or regret. This makes them highly dangerous to interact with over the long term.

6. Shallow Emotional Response

Psychopaths have shallow emotional responses. They may not exactly hate you, but they will never be able to love you the way you would like to love and be loved.

This makes it hard for them to genuinely feel or express deep emotions like love, fear, or sadness.

People around them usually find their interactions and expectations go unfulfilled. They don’t quite feel your sadness or happiness.

Their lack of emotional depth often results in superficial relationships, making it difficult to form lasting, meaningful bonds with them.

Knowing a psychopath is often like having a hollow emotional bond.

7. Callousness and Lack of Empathy

Callousness and a lack of empathy are typical traits of psychopaths.

They struggle to understand or care about other people’s feelings, which often makes them seem cold and heartless.

This inability to feel moved by others’ emotions often leads to inexplicably selfish actions.

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In turn, their blatant self-serving actions, disregarding how others feel and what contributes to their well-being, distance others from them.

Callousness is a person’s insensitivity and indifference to the feelings, suffering, or needs of others.

8. Failure to Accept Responsibility

Psychopaths are notorious for refusing to accept responsibility for their actions.

They often blame others for their own failures and wrongdoings, never admitting their part in causing harm.

This blame-shifting behavior makes them resistant to learning from their mistakes and making amends, further straining their personal and professional relationships.

It is hard to have the psychopath on your team and trust them to own up when they screw up.

9. Impulsive Behavior

Impulsiveness is another typical trait of a psychopath.

They often act on a whim, not thinking about the consequences or potential ramifications of their actions.

This impulsive behavior makes them unpredictable and less trustworthy, especially in high-stakes or high-risk situations.

Their actions can frequently have unexpectedly dangerous outcomes. So, people often feel insecure around them, never fully knowing how they would react in a given circumstance.

10. Criminal or Antisocial Activity

Lastly, psychopaths are more likely to engage in criminal or antisocial activities compared to the general population.

This inclination toward lawlessness can range from white-collar crimes to more violent offenses, and may stem from their lack of empathy and disregard for societal norms.

Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)

The Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), by Dr. Robert Hare, is a tool to diagnose psychopathic traits in an individual.

The PCL-R consists of 20 clinical signs of psychopathy, called items. Each item is scored on a three-point scale (0 = not present, 1 = somewhat present, 2 = definitely present).

Item Number Item Description
1. Glibness/superficial charm
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
3. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
4. Pathological lying
5. Conning/manipulative behavior
6. Lack of remorse or guilt
7. Shallow affect (superficial emotional responses)
8. Callousness/lack of empathy
9. Parasitic lifestyle
10. Poor behavioral controls
11. Promiscuous sexual behavior
12. Early behavioral problems
13. Lack of realistic long-term goals
14. Impulsivity
15. Irresponsibility
16. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions
17. Many short-term marital relationships
18. Juvenile delinquency
19. Revocation of conditional release (e.g., parole violations)
20. Criminal versatility (engaging in diverse types of criminal activities)

Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)

10 Warning Signs of A Male Psychopath

  1. He effortlessly captivates others with his charisma, often leaving a lasting impression that masks his true intentions.
  2. He shows little concern for the emotional pain of others, often dismissing their feelings as unimportant or irrelevant.
  3. He skillfully exploits relationships, using charm and deceit to manipulate others for his own benefit.
  4. He believes he is inherently superior to those around him, often boasting about his achievements and abilities.
  5. He frequently engages in reckless activities without considering the potential consequences, such as driving dangerously or making impulsive financial decisions.
  6. He lies effortlessly and convincingly, often creating elaborate stories to cover up his actions or to gain sympathy.
  7. He has a limited emotional range, often reacting to serious situations with indifference or a lack of genuine concern.
  8. He consistently fails to meet obligations, whether in his job or personal life, often leaving others to pick up the pieces.
  9. He has a pattern of violating social norms, which may include aggressive confrontations or criminal activities.
  10. He rarely takes accountability for his actions, often blaming others or external circumstances for his problems.


Are antisocial people different from psychopaths?

Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) and psychopathy share some similarities in terms of behavior, but ASPD people have a pervasive (widespread) pattern of disregard for the rights of others, often beginning in adolescence. Many of them may show traits of psychopathy, but not all psychopaths meet the full criteria for ASPD.

What are the 4 types of psychopaths?

Four types of psychopaths:
1. Primary psychopaths — born psychopaths.
2. Secondary psychopaths — became psychopaths after abuse or trauma.
3. Distempered ones — have strong sex drives and sudden urges of rage or frenzy.
4. Narcissistic psychopaths — have a grandiose self-importance, need for validation.

What is the definition of a psychopath?

A psychopath is typically defined as an individual who has persistent antisocial behavior, lack of empathy and remorse, and bold, disinhibited, and egotistical personality traits. Psychopathy is typically assessed using the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), which evaluates traits such as superficial charm, manipulativeness, lack of guilt or remorse, and emotional shallowness. Psychopaths often do not regard the rights or feelings of others, and cannot form genuine emotional connections.

Final Words

Stay vigilant. Psychopaths can seriously impact your mental well-being if you regularly interact with them.

Knowing how they act and think can help you make better decisions when dealing with them. However, not all “psychos” show all the traits listed above, and many may well mask their giveaway signs.

Ask an expert for help if you suspect someone you know might be a psychopath.

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Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD
Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD

Dermatologist in Battery Point, Australia

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