Delayed Reaction To Wasp Sting

Delayed Reaction To Wasp Sting

These treatments can help ease sting symptoms in children and adults alike. Just be sure to read the dosage instructions and use the medication accordingly.

Yellow Jacket Sting

Yellow jacket stings cause pain, swelling, redness and itching. Antihistamines and ice usually help. But if you’re allergic, yellow jacket stings can cause anaphylactic symptoms. If you have trouble breathing or swallowing, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room immediately. If you know you’re allergic, always carry an EpiPen®.


If the redness and swelling around your yellow jacket sting begin to expand, you might have an allergic reaction.

Do yellow jackets sting?

Yes, yellow jackets sting. These yellow-and-black-striped wasps nest underground or in places like tree stumps, hollow logs and between walls. Because of their markings, many people confuse yellow jackets with honeybees. But unlike a honeybee, which can only sting you once, a yellow jacket can sting you repeatedly. Yellow jacket stings are the most common type of insect sting in the United States.

When a yellow jacket stings, its stinger pierces your skin and injects venom. For most people, yellow jacket venom causes pain, swelling and itching. But people who are allergic can develop anaphylactic symptoms like dizziness, hives, vomiting or difficulty breathing and swallowing.

If you or someone you know has a severe allergic reaction to a yellow jacket sting, call 911 immediately. If you have an EpiPen®, use it. This is a medical emergency and you need prompt care.

Symptoms and Causes

What are the symptoms of a yellow jacket sting?

Specific symptoms vary from person to person. People who aren’t allergic to yellow jacket stings usually have:

  • Pain.
  • Redness.
  • Swelling.
  • Burning.
  • Itchiness.
  • Lingering tenderness.

People who are allergic to yellow jacket stings can develop anaphylaxis — a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.

Anaphylactic symptoms may include:

  • Wheezing.
  • Coughing.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).
  • Tightness in your throat.
  • Hives.
  • Sweating.
  • Anxiety.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fainting.
  • Nausea or vomiting.
  • Diarrhea.

What causes the reaction you get from a yellow jacket sting?

Yellow jackets inject a venom that contains the toxin mastoparan and the enzyme phospholipase A1. Both substances trigger your body’s inflammatory response.

The components in yellow jacket venom are different from the ones in bee venom. For this reason, people who are allergic to yellow jacket stings are rarely allergic to bee stings, and vice versa.

Yellow jacket sting complications

In addition to pain, swelling and itching, yellow jacket stings can sometimes cause other health conditions — particularly if you get stung multiple times. These conditions can include:

  • Low blood pressure (hypotension).
  • Arrhythmia (a heart rate that isn’t normal).
  • Hemolysis (the destruction of red blood cells).
  • Bronchospasm (when the muscles that line your bronchi tighten and cause your airways to narrow).
  • Pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in your lung).
  • Encephalitis (a severe brain infection).
  • Kidney failure (when your kidneys can’t function well on their own).
  • Rhabdomyolysis (a life-threatening condition that causes muscle breakdown).

If you have multiple yellow jacket stings, you should see a healthcare provider right away — even if you’re not allergic.

Diagnosis and Tests

How do healthcare providers diagnose yellow jacket stings?

If you get stung, you’ll know. But you might not know what type of sting you have, especially if you didn’t see it happen.

Chances are, you probably don’t need to know what type of insect stung you to get appropriate treatment. But if you have a severe allergic reaction, it’s important to learn this information in case you get another sting in the future. When necessary, healthcare providers can run blood tests to determine what type of sting you have.

Management and Treatment

How do you treat a yellow jacket sting?

If you’re not allergic to yellow jackets, you can usually treat the sting with over-the-counter medications and home remedies.

If you’re allergic to yellow jacket venom, you’ll need emergency medical treatment. Call 911 — and if you have an EpiPen, use it immediately. (Place the orange tip of the EpiPen against the middle of your outer thigh, hold the button in to give the injection and count to three before removing it.) Wait for help to arrive.

Removing a yellow jacket stinger

Remove the stinger if it’s still in your skin. Pluck it out or use a clean, blunt straightedge (like the back of a knife) and scrape it across the stinger. Then, wash the site thoroughly with antibacterial soap and water.

How to treat a yellow jacket sting at home

After you remove the stinger and wash the area, apply an ice pack. This can help reduce immediate pain and swelling. Then, find a medication to counteract lingering symptoms. You might already have products in your medicine cabinet at home that you can use to treat a yellow jacket sting, like:

  • Antihistamines.
  • Hydrocortisone cream.
  • Calamine lotion.

If your yellow jacket sting won’t stop hurting, you can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever like acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or ibuprofen (Advil®).

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These treatments can help ease sting symptoms in children and adults alike. Just be sure to read the dosage instructions and use the medication accordingly.

Emergency treatment for yellow jacket sting

You only need emergency treatment if you have anaphylactic symptoms (difficulty breathing, trouble swallowing). If you or someone you’re with has a severe allergic reaction to a yellow jacket sting:

  • Call 911 immediately.
  • Use an EpiPen if available.
  • Start CPR if the person isn’t breathing.

Once the medical team arrives, they’ll begin emergency treatment, which may include:

  • Epinephrine.
  • Intravenous (IV) antihistamines.
  • Corticosteroids.
  • Breathing support.
  • Lab tests.

What is wasp allergy?

Wasps usually sting when they feel threatened. They’re more aggressive than bees and also tend to be more attracted to your food and trash. So they’re a particular pest for humans. Swat a wasp eyeing up your lunch and you could get stung. And that can be a threat to anyone who’s allergic to wasp venom. A wasp’s sting is its defense mechanism. Short and sharp, it’s meant to make you leave the insect alone. Some pain, redness and swelling is normal afterward. But for someone with wasp sting allergy this can spread beyond the puncture spot and last up to a week. A severe allergic reaction to the venom can be life-threatening. Read more about wasp allergy, the symptoms, how to treat them and when they’re most likely to happen.

When is wasp allergy season?

Wasp stings tend to happen most in late summer and fall. That’s the riskiest time for an allergic reaction. Queen wasps emerge from hibernation to build a nest in the spring. The colony expands and peaks over the summer. There are no jobs to do in the nest after that. Instead wasps roam looking for sugary foods. You might notice them paying even more attention to your picnic. Yellow jackets are a type of wasp too and have a similar life cycle. Scientists call their erratic late summer behavior “delirium”. It’s why yellow jackets also tend to sting more, triggering insect sting allergy, in August and September. Wasp allergy season comes to an end when temperatures drop and the entire colony dies.

Common wasp allergy symptoms

Allergic reactions to wasps tend to be more than four inches across. They can make your whole arm or leg swell up, not just the sting site. The redness could be more pronounced too but may be harder to see on darker skin types. These large local allergic reactions can last a week and are often treated in the same way as a normal sting. That is, with basic first aid, of which more below. If the redness, swelling or hardening of the skin around the bite gets worse over 24 to 72 hours, be sure to see your healthcare provider as soon as possible.

Wasps vs bees: can you tell the difference?

Wasps and honeybees can look a lot alike, especially in a moment of panic. Both collect nectar and have a similar shape. But there are important differences too:


  • Prominent yellow and black bands around the abdomen
  • Mainly active in summer and fall
  • Aggressive and easily alarmed by swatting or attempts to blow them away
  • Often fly around food and trash
  • Don’t leave their stinger in your skin
  • Can sting many times so gently brush them off you


  • Less distinctive light brown and yellowish color
  • Mainly active in spring and summer
  • Not usually aggressive unless they feel threatened
  • Often found flying near nectar-rich flowers and beehives
  • Leave a stinger in your skin

Allergies are an overreaction of your immune system

Insect sting allergy can cause a severe systemic allergic reaction called anaphylaxis. It’s less likely with wasps than bee stings but it’s still important to know the common symptoms. Call an ambulance if you spot any of these signs:

  • Flushed, pale or itching skin
  • Hives
  • Digestive issues including nausea, diarrhea or vomiting
  • Feeling dizzy or fainting
  • Hypotension (low blood pressure)
  • Fast or weak pulse
  • Restricted airways and a swollen throat or tongue, which may cause wheezing and trouble breathing

Anaphylactic shock is the most serious possible reaction. You may feel faint and even pass out because of a sudden drop in blood pressure. It can be life-threatening and needs immediate medical attention.

How long after being stung do wasp allergy symptoms start?

Insect sting anaphylaxis can happen suddenly, in minutes or up to a few hours after the first reaction. But other wasp allergy symptoms may not be immediate. Sometimes large local allergic reactions develop hours afterwards and go on building for one or two days. There have also been reports of delayed reactions as much as five days after multiple wasp stings, although this is rare.

Are you sensitized or allergic?

Wasp allergy: the inside story

The substances or allergens that can cause reactions to wasp stings are particular proteins in the venom. Scientists have identified six wasp venom allergens. You need to be stung by a wasp at least twice to develop an allergy. This is due to a process called sensitization.

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The first time, your immune system registers the wasp venom as a threat. It produces Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies for that allergen. You’re sensitized now and may develop an allergy. Not everyone does and scientists don’t yet know why that is.

Wasp allergy is when the IgE antibodies spot the venom when you’re stung and set off allergic reactions to defend you. They trigger different cells to start the process of getting rid of the allergen from your body in various different ways. That causes your symptoms.

Allergies can develop at any age. Children may outgrow wasp allergy, except if they have a serious reaction. Then they’re more likely to have an allergic reaction later in life.

How to find out if you’ve got wasp allergy

You know what wasp allergy symptoms look like now and think you may be affected. Now it’s time to talk to your healthcare provider about getting a diagnosis. They’ll take note of your worst insect sting reaction as part of your medical history.

A description of the insect can help determine the species. However the allergenic proteins in insect venom from wasps, yellow jackets and hornets are very similar. Cross-reactions can cause symptoms from more than just your main trigger. So your healthcare provider may request allergy skin or blood tests.

Wasp allergy checklist: how to avoid insect stings

Wasp spray does kill them indoors but be careful not to breathe it in. Outdoors, repellents for skin and clothes don’t tend to work well on stinging insects. So here are some tips for avoiding stings during wasp allergy season.

1. Smells

  • Choose unscented toiletries including sunscreen and avoid sweet-smelling perfumes
  • The scent of banana is especially attractive

2. Clothes

  • Go for neutral rather than brightly colored clothing or flowery prints but avoid black
  • Wear summer sandals with closed toes
  • Cover as much skin as possible

Find a doctor

Is it time to get medical advice about your wasp sting allergy? We can help you find a doctor nearby

3. Food and drink

  • Keep kitchen surfaces clean and put leftovers away
  • Drink from a screw top bottle at picnics rather than a can and put the cap back on between sips
  • Cover food outdoors
  • Pick fruit as soon as it ripens in your garden and don’t leave windfalls to rot and attract wasps

4. Keep calm

  • Never swat a wasp as it can make them release an alarm pheromone to call other wasps to help
  • Keep still if you spot a single wasp flying around
  • If there are lots of them move into the shade
  • Quickly open car windows to let a wasp out or pull over and open the doors

Wasp allergy treatment

An ice pack or cold compress may be all that’s needed for wasp stings, even large local reactions. An over-the-counter painkiller can help relieve discomfort. Calamine lotion, corticosteroid cream or an oral or topical antihistamine may also help ease your symptoms. Particularly painful or widespread swelling may need medical attention and prescription antihistamines or corticosteroids.

Because of the risk of anaphylaxis your healthcare provider is likely to prescribe an epinephrine auto-injector. Epinephrine is another name for adrenaline. The advice is to carry two auto-injectors at all times. This is emergency treatment for you to use in the event of severe reactions. You should also seek immediate medical attention, even if you use your auto-injector, in case you have a delayed secondary reaction.

Wearing a medical alert bracelet will tell people you’re allergic to insect stings so they know how to help you.

Allergies are an overreaction of your immune system

Not yet but there is a treatment. Venom Immunotherapy (VIT) may be right for you if you’ve had a large local skin reaction or anaphylaxis. The goal is to desensitize your immune system and reduce the risk of severe insect allergy symptoms. Treatment involves regular tiny doses of wasp (hymenoptera) allergen. A full course takes three to five years. Your healthcare provider or allergist can tell you more.

We’re here for you

If you’ve read all the way to the end of this article about wasp allergy, thank you. We’d love to know what you think. If you have any questions or would like to share tips for avoiding wasps and wasp stings, you can email us. Or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD
Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD

Dermatologist in Battery Point, Australia

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