Busting common plasma donation myths
Manufacturing of plasma-based therapies is a for-profit industry, and paying people for the time it takes to contribute ‘raw material’ is in line with other types of for-profit industries. What is unique is that the raw material is inside of a person’s body, and the industry is entirely dependent on the generosity and goodwill of people who are willing to donate. Offering compensation to donors better ensures a steady supply of plasma to create the lifesaving products that these companies manufacture.
Know the risks
We want to make sure you’re comfortable and safe when you give blood and plasma. Most reactions are minor but we want you to be informed to make decisions that are right for you and to provide you with advice to help reduce the chance of a reaction.
TOC component
General information
You’re in good hands
At Lifeblood, your safety is our priority. We’ve pulled out all the stops to make sure donating blood and plasma is a really safe process.
We have expert team members at your side to make your experience as safe and comfortable as possible.
We also have restrictions on how often you can donate: every 2 weeks for plasma or platelets, and every twelve weeks for blood. If you’re giving both, you can give plasma or platelets 4 weeks after blood, and blood 2 weeks after plasma or platelets.
Most people feel fine during and after their donation. You might feel a small sting when the needle goes in, but you shouldn’t feel any discomfort during the donation.
That said, as with any procedure, reactions can sometimes occur when donating blood or plasma – before, during or after you leave the donor centre.
As you get set to donate, rest assured that most reactions are minor and go away quickly. The most common reactions are bruising and feeling faint. For women aged 18–45, check out our advice on iron health and blood donation.
Information to help you decide
We want you to know the possible reactions and chances they might happen, so that you can make decisions that are right for you.
Reactions from donating blood and plasma can relate to needle placement or movement, the loss of blood volume, or just being anxious. Less commonly a reaction can be related to an allergy or sensitivity to the materials or solutions that are used, or a technical issue with the machines used to collect plasma and platelets.
The loss of iron and haemoglobin may also cause some donors to develop symptoms; for more details please check out our advice on iron health and blood donation.
Make sure you follow the instructions we give you to make your experience as safe as possible whenever you make the incredibly generous decision to donate blood and ultimately save lives.
If you experience a reaction or feel unwell, it’s important to tell the staff so our expert team can ensure your comfort and safety. If you are feeling unwell after donating, call 13 14 95 and our team can give you advice.
Will I have a reaction if I donate blood?
The likelihood will depend on your sex, age, and whether you are donating blood, plasma or platelets.
In general, the risk is higher if you’re younger, haven’t donated blood before or are fairly new to donating, and/or female.
Plasma and platelet donations generally have higher likelihood because it takes longer as we return your red cells and for plasma, infuse saline to help replace the fluid you have lost.
Chances of having a reaction
Let’s break down the odds of having a reaction.
If you are after more information on these, keep scrolling down to read more!
Very common
(More than 1 in 10)
(1 in 10 to 1 in 100)
(1 in 100 to 1 in 1,000)
- Large bruise
- Fainting 1
- Nerve irritation
- Painful arm
- Swelling or pain in arm from fluid leaking into tissues 2
- Mild citrate reaction 2
(1 in 1,000 to 1 in 10,000)
- Delayed bleeding
- Localised allergic reaction
- Any event requiring outside medical care
- Moderate citrate reaction 2
Very rare
(1 in 10,000 to 1 in 100,000)
- Piercing of an artery
- Local inflammation of the vein
- Chest pain 3
(1 in 100,000 to 1 in 1,000,000)
- Cellulitis (skin infection)
- Nerve injury causing prolonged period of pain or weakness
- Clot in the deep veins of arm (uncommonly, the clot may travel to the lungs which may rarely cause significant symptoms)
- Symptoms from return of damaged red cells 2
- Severe citrate reaction 2
(Less than 1 in 1 million)
- Major allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)
- Major blood vessel or tendon injury
- Symptoms from return of clotted blood 2
- Symptoms from air entering the vein 2
1 Younger donors, females and new donors have a higher likelihood of feeling faint. For example, a new female donor has a likelihood of around 1/10 compared to an experienced female donor who has a likelihood of 1/50
2 These occur only in plasma and platelet collections
3 Chest pain is often coincidental or related to another reaction such as anxiety
Some medical events may occur following a blood donation such as a heart attack or stroke. They are almost always determined to be unrelated to blood donation.
The rates provided were last updated in March 2022 and are usually based on our own experience. Some events are extremely rare and so for those we may need to consider information from other blood services that are published in the literature.
Reaction symptoms
Feeling faint or fainting
Feeling faint may include feeling dizzy, light-headed, hot, sweaty, and/or nauseous. It can happen during donation, straight after donating or after leaving the donor centre. Only a small proportion of donors actually faint which can cause an injury.
Small bruises will generally resolve in a few days. Occasionally larger bruises can develop and be uncomfortable for several days and take several weeks to resolve.
Plasma and platelets risks
When you donate plasma and platelets, citrate is added to stop the blood clotting as we collect it, and a small amount is returned to you with your red cells.
You might experience a mild sensitivity to the citrate because of its effects on calcium and magnesium, which can include chills, tingling of the lips or tongue, or a metallic taste. Moderate symptoms are uncommon and include tingling of hands or feet, shivering and muscle twitching.
The following are very rare events. A life-threatening reaction can occur but the likelihood of an event occurring is minimised by our safety protocols:
- Severe reaction to citrate: can include muscle contractions or spasms, seizures, breathing difficulties or disturbance of heart rhythm.
- Damage to red cells in the machine: if returned to you in a large volume, it can cause blood in the urine, fevers and back pain. If you are healthy, there are no long-term side-effects from return of damaged red cells.
- Disruption to the delivery of citrate causing clotting in the tubing: if returned to you, this may cause blocking of a blood vessel. Symptoms can include dizziness, breathlessness, coughing, chest pain or limb swelling.
- Entry of air into the collection line: if returned to you (air embolus), can cause blockage to blood vessels resulting in symptoms such as breathlessness or chest pain.
Are there risks to being a frequent platelet donor?
The amount of citrate returned to you during a platelet donation is higher than returned for a donation where just plasma is collected. Citrate causes a temporary drop in calcium, but studies have not consistently shown any long-term bone health effects in frequent platelet donors.
Some studies have shown a reduction in a specific type of white cell (lymphocyte) in some frequent platelet donors. Further research is underway, but to date there is no confirmed evidence of long term consequences for health.
Other needle-related reactions explained
Description | |
Nerve irritation | Transient shooting arm pain or pins and needles in the arm or hand |
Localised allergic reaction | Redness and swelling near needle site |
Piercing of an artery | If the needle goes into an artery instead of a vein, the flow is under high pressure and there is a much higher likelihood of bruising if any blood leaks into surrounding tissues |
Local inflammation of the vein | Tenderness and redness in the area of the vein usually occurring several days after donation |
Cellulitis | Infection of the skin usually causing redness, swelling, pain and warmth in the area affected, which generally occurs 1-2 days after donation |
Nerve injury | Damage to nerves can lead to pain, pins and needles and occasionally weakness in the arm |
Major blood vessel or tendon injury | Injury which may cause prolonged discomfort or impaired function and/or may require surgery to correct |
Allergic reactions
A localised reaction (e.g. redness, swelling, itching) can occur as a result of an allergy to materials or solutions used when you donate blood.
Very rarely, severe allergic reactions can occur causing symptoms such as, breathlessness, wheezing, facial swelling, difficulty swallowing, and/or swollen tongue. This can be life-threatening and requires emergency treatment.
Answering your questions
When I give plasma, my blood goes through plastic tubing and back to me. Is that safe?
We use a new sterile needle and kit that is used once and discarded, so it’s all brand new for your donation.
The plasma and platelets kits contain Di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), which is a plasticiser used in many medical devices and procedures. It’s been used in medical procedures for more than 40 years with no reports of negative side effects.
In fact, no toxic effects have been seen in humans. However, animal studies with very high doses of DEHP have shown development and reproduction issues.
Phthalates including DEHP are in a lot of things we come into contact with every day, including food, air, water, containers, flooring, and more. So, you may be exposed to small amounts of DEHP when you donate plasma or platelets, but it’s less than you’re normally in contact with day to day. We make sure vulnerable groups (like pregnant women) don’t donate, and our processes are designed to minimise your exposure.
We know some people have concerns, so we’re keeping a close eye on research into alternatives. For now, though, DEHP is necessary to improve the strength, consistency and effectiveness of the equipment used to collect and hold blood.
I am on an International Visa am I able to donate?
Yes, donors on Visas are welcome to donate, however we recommend you ensure you have the relevant Health Insurance, according to your class of visa, when donating blood. This requirement is for the safety of donors who may, rarely, require medical treatment due to an adverse event when donating blood. If you do not have the relevant Health Insurance, you may be responsible for payment of the treatment costs in the event of an adverse event.
Busting common plasma donation myths
With the ever-increasing need for plasma in the world today, you’re more likely to come across appeals to donate. It may be the first time you’ve considered becoming a donor, and embarking on something new often carries an element of fear. There are so many misconceptions out there that can make it difficult to commit.
Misconception #1: Donating plasma is bad for you.
Many people misunderstand the difference between blood and plasma donation. Assuming that they are the same, in terms of the toll it takes on your body, could lead people to believe being able to donate plasma up to two times a week is bad for your health.
Before you donate plasma, a health screening is conducted meant to prevent anyone from donating whose health could be compromised by doing do, such as having low total protein or low iron. After you donate plasma, it takes about 48 hours for your body to replenish the fluid and proteins given. During that time, the antibodies and other proteins in your blood are at lower levels than normal. In contrast, it can take 4-8 weeks for the body to replace red blood cells, which need to be replenished after whole blood donation. Compared to whole blood donation, plasma donation is a very minimal change in blood chemistry that most donors don’t notice.
Some donors do report cough, cold, occasional fatigue, and sore throat symptoms after donating plasma. These findings were part of a recent study sponsored by Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association (PPTA) to explore donor health and safety. However, this study did not find any long-term health issues associated with frequent plasma donation and was consistent with a similar study out of Germany and Switzerland from 2006.
In contrast, studies have shown a number of positive health outcomes associated with donating plasma:
- The body burns calories to replenish lost plasma.
- Donating plasma lowers bad cholesterol. Lowering bad cholesterol reduces cardiovascular risk, helping to prevent stroke, heart attack, blood clots, and other heart diseases.
- A recent study found substantial reductions in polyfluoroalkyl (PFA) substances, which are toxic chemicals that build up in the body.
Endorphins are released in your body during plasma donation. Increased endorphins can improve mood and lower stress and anxiety.
Misconception #2: People who donate plasma are only motivated by compensation.
There is also a stereotype that a plasma donor is simply a down-on-their-luck individual looking to make an extra buck, but this perception could not be further from the truth. We have interviewed folks who donate because of a friend or a family member who uses plasma-based medicines. Others have no direct connection but feel an intrinsic reward through their altruism. Others simply find it relaxing to disconnect from the stresses of the week. Some people even choose to donate their compensation to charity. Caregivers and parents are some of the greatest advocates for growing awareness of the need for plasma and connecting donors to the people that they help. Read even more stories of people who donate plasma as a way to give back to people in need: Plasma Hero Spotlight articles.
Misconception #3: Paying people to donate plasma is bad.
Manufacturing of plasma-based therapies is a for-profit industry, and paying people for the time it takes to contribute ‘raw material’ is in line with other types of for-profit industries. What is unique is that the raw material is inside of a person’s body, and the industry is entirely dependent on the generosity and goodwill of people who are willing to donate. Offering compensation to donors better ensures a steady supply of plasma to create the lifesaving products that these companies manufacture.
Some people feel concerned ethically by this system, despite the millions of people that rely on the products manufactured to stay alive. However, the system is clearly successful, as the United States produces 70% of the entire world’s supply of plasma due in part to this model of donor compensation.
Some people feel concerned ethically by this system, despite the potential millions of people that rely on the products manufactured to stay alive. However, the system is clearly successful, as the United States produces 70% of the entire world’s supply of plasma due in part to this model of donor compensation. It is worthwhile to mention that many donors would find the plasma donation process too arduous to do consistently for free. Unlike donating blood, which takes 10-15 minutes, donating plasma is a time commitment of 90-120 minutes. The longer process includes a health screening pre-donation and a rest period post-donation. For this reason, donors are compensated for their time, not the plasma itself. It takes longer to recover from whole blood donation as well, so an individual is limited to 6 donations per year, meaning they will spend the amount of time donating in one year that a plasma donor gives in one donation. This monetary incentive also does not compromise the integrity of the plasma, as plasma collection and manufacturing processes are regulated internationally.