Additional symptoms of later pregnancy are related to the size of the growing uterus and weight gain in the second trimester until giving birth. As with symptoms of early pregnancy, not all women experience all these symptoms, and women do not experience them to the same degree.
Your question, answered: Why does sex hurt during pregnancy?
When you become pregnant, your body goes through some major changes and sometimes be hard to know if your symptoms are just a normal part of pregnancy or a cause for concern.
When it comes to sex, things can get a little extra complicated. Some women find sex even more enjoyable during pregnancy, others don’t feel like having it at all and many are surprised to find that sex hurts while pregnant.
If you have started experiencing any painful pregnancy sex then you might be wondering whether you’re even supposed to be having sex at all? The good news is that pregnancy doesn’t have to get in the way of your sex life and we’re here to explain why.
Is sex while pregnant safe?
Yes, having sex while you’re pregnant is completely safe unless your doctor has told you otherwise. This includes oral sex, anal sex and penetration from fingers and sex toys.
But it’s totally normal for newly pregnant couples to have all sorts of worries about having sex during pregnancy.
It’s not uncommon for men to worry that their penis might hurt the baby during intercourse and many couples are worried that having sex could even cause a miscarriage.
You can rest assured that sex won’t cause a miscarriage, which usually only happens when a fetus is not developing properly, and know that your strong uterine muscles and protective amniotic sac keep your growing baby very safe during sex [1].
The only reason that sex during pregnancy wouldn’t be safe for your baby is if you are at risk of preterm labour, placenta previa or another condition advised by your doctor. But if your doctor has given you the A-okay then it’s perfectly safe to enjoy a healthy sex life right up until the baby comes.
The benefits of having sex when you’re pregnant
Enjoying sex during pregnancy is not only safe but comes with some serious benefits too [2].
- Happy hormones: Orgasms release dopamine and oxytocin, helping you feel happier and calmer during your pregnancy.
- Connection with your partner: Having sex helps you feel more connected to your partner before embarking on parenthood together.
- Increased sexual pleasure: Increased blood flow during pregnancy can lead to an increase in sensitivity and pleasure during sex.
While some women feel more connected to their sexuality during pregnancy and feel aroused by the new fullness of their body and breasts, others choose to forego sex altogether. It’s entirely up to you.
Is it normal for sex to hurt when pregnant?
It’s not uncommon for pregnant women to experience pain during sex. You might experience this pain as a shooting sensation, a sharp pain, irritation or soreness, pressure or simply as a general feeling of discomfort during intercourse.
It’s also quite common to experience mild cramps or uterine contractions during or immediately after an orgasm.
While unpleasant, painful pregnancy sex isn’t usually anything to worry about and is more to do with the fact that your body is going through some pretty big physical and hormonal changes.
That being said, you shouldn’t have to deal with painful sex during pregnancy and fixing the problem starts with knowing what’s actually causing it.
Why can sex hurt during pregnancy?
The changes that your body goes through in order to grow a baby can come with some rather unpleasant side effects. Basically, that little human that you’re growing starts getting in the way of your sex life before it’s even born.
Let’s take you through a few reasons that sex might not be feeling so great right now.
Vaginal dryness
During pregnancy, your body releases more of the primary stress hormone, cortisol. The release of this hormone can cause dryness in the vagina and make sex feel pretty uncomfortable.
Vaginal dryness is not only painful but can also lead to micro-tears and infections [3] — which isn’t something you want to deal with during pregnancy.
Fortunately, vaginal dryness can be eased with a good quality lubricant. We recommend trying NORMAL’s Silicon-Based Lube or Water-Based Lube if you’re using condoms, to keep your vagina hydrated and comfortable during pregnancy sex.
Both of these lubes are super hydrating, are free from parabens, are scent and taste-free and are gentle on the skin.
Increased blood flow
Did you know that your blood volume increases by almost 50% during pregnancy [4]? This extra blood flow leads to engorged tissue and heightened sensitivity in all of your erogenous zones.
For some women, this extra sensitivity makes sex even more pleasurable, but for others, the sensitivity can verge on painful. If sensitivity is making sex feel uncomfortable then let your partner know that they need to be gentler with your body at this time.
Alternatively, you hold off on sex until the sensitivity has reduced.
Hormonal changes
In the later stages of pregnancy, your body begins preparing for childbirth by releasing the pregnancy hormone relaxin [5]. This hormone stretches your pelvic ligaments and widens the cervix which can lead to some pain in the lower part of your torso during sex.
But even your partner’s hormones can contribute to painful pregnancy sex thanks to a hormone in semen called prostaglandins, which can actually cause mild cramping in pregnant women.
Extra weight
When you’re pregnant, you are also carrying the extra weight of your growing baby and this extra weight can make sex feel pretty uncomfortable in the later stages of pregnancy.
The extra weight can put pain or pressure on your pelvic region and it often makes finding a comfortable sex position a lot harder.
Nervousness is one of the most common reasons that you might experience painful pregnancy sex.
Whether you’re feeling nervous about the baby’s safety during sex or the pain that you may have experienced before, this feeling triggers your pelvic muscles to tense up and can make intercourse feel quite painful.
Dealing with painful sex while pregnant
If painful pregnancy sex has got you thinking about swearing off the whole thing until the baby’s out, then you’re not alone. But before you do that, let’s take you through ways to make things go a little smoother and remind you that enjoying sex is definitely still possible when you’re pregnant.
Try out different positions
If you’re finding sex uncomfortable during pregnancy then you might want to think about switching up your positions. It’s a good idea to avoid putting too much pressure on your stomach so you might find that side-lying positions are better at accomodating your growing belly.
Likewise, it’s best to avoid positions where you are lying on your back and instead, hop on top to control the pace and avoid any lightheadedness [6].
But if you don’t feel like having sex at all then there are lots of other ways to enjoy intimacy with your partner, including cuddling, kissing and massaging each other.
Invest in a good quality lubricant
A good quality lubricant will not only help your vagina feel more comfortable during intercourse but will also help with your arousal as well. In turn, this will lead to more relaxed pelvic muscles and less painful sex.
During pregnancy, you might have to upgrade your lubricant to one that’s more suited to the slower and longer-lasting sessions that pregnancy sometimes demands. Usually, silicon-based lubricants like this one from NORMAL, are better at keeping your vagina hydrated during these longer sessions.
However, if you’re using condoms or sex toys then it’s always best to go for a water-based lubricant.
Go with the flow
It’s completely normal for your sex drive to fluctuate over the course of your pregnancy and early pregnancy sex might look and feel different to sex during the third trimester.
Many women feel too tired and nauseous during the first trimester to even think about having sex before enjoying a new burst of energy and feel-good hormones in the second that makes them want to do it every day.
Sex is always going to be more enjoyable if you’re in the mood to do it so take the pressure off if you aren’t feeling it and take advantage of the times when you are.
Is there anything to avoid during pregnancy sex?
Almost everything that you usually do in the bedroom is still on the table during pregnancy but there are a few things you should know before jumping into bed.
- Don’t blow air into your vagina: Blowing air into your vagina can cause a very serious and potentially fatal embolism [7].
- Don’t go back door to front: Anal sex is perfectly safe during pregnancy but to avoid any infections, make sure that your partner jumps in the shower before entering your vagina.
- Use condoms with new partners: If you’re sleeping with new or multiple partners then make sure that you’re using condoms as STIs can lead to serious health complications for both you and your baby.
When to talk to your doctor about painful pregnancy sex?
While experiencing painful sex during pregnancy isn’t usually anything to be worried about but in rare cases, it might be a sign of something else.
It’s time to talk to a doctor or health professional if you experience any of the following symptoms during or after sexual intercourse:
- Severe abdominal pain
- Unusual vaginal discharge
- Heavy bleeding
Since pregnancy can increase the risk of developing a bladder infection, yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis and pelvic inflammatory disease, it’s always best to be safe and mention any pain that you experience during intercourse to your doctor.
Early Pregnancy Symptoms: Am I Pregnant?
Some women may experience early signs and symptoms within the first weeks of pregnancy in the first trimester , while others may develop symptoms later on in the pregnancy.
- The first signs and symptoms of early pregnancy can also be similar to symptoms experienced prior to the menstrual period, so a woman may not recognize the symptoms as related to pregnancy.
How late can a period be before you know you’re pregnant?
Home pregnancy tests check your urine for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that is only present when you’re pregnant. The body starts making hCG at implantation, and many home pregnancy tests can detect hCG around the day of your expected period.
However, it is common to get a false negative in the first few days after a missed period. The amount of hCG in your body increases daily in early pregnancy. If you test too early, there might not be enough hCG for a positive test. Testing one week after a missed period is most likely to give you accurate results.
If you’ve had two home pregnancy tests come back negative and still think you’re pregnant, check with your doctor. They can order a blood test that looks for the same hormone but can detect it earlier in the pregnancy. Blood tests can give accurate results as soon as 6 to 8 days after ovulation .
If your pregnancy tests come back negative, but you still haven’t had a period, talk to your doctor to determine what might be the cause and if any additional tests or treatment are needed. If you’re trying to conceive, your doctor can perform additional tests or make other suggestions.
Are pregnancy symptoms the same for every woman?
- Symptoms of pregnancy can vary among different women.
- They may vary in quality or severity, and even the same woman may not experience the same symptoms in every pregnancy.
- The first signs and symptoms of pregnancy may also be noticed or begin at different points in the pregnancy.
- A pregnancy test is based on levels of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the urine or blood and is the characteristic diagnostic test for pregnancy.
- hCG is a hormone produced after the fertilized egg has implanted in the wall of the uterus.
- Modern home pregnancy tests may sometimes be positive before a missed menstrual period.
- Blood tests can detect pregnancy earlier than urine pregnancy tests.
This article describes the most common symptoms of pregnancy in its early and later stages.
16 early pregnancy signs and symptoms
Breast enlargement, tenderness, or pain similar to premenstrual symptoms can occur early in pregnancy.
A number of symptoms begin in the early stages of pregnancy :
- Missed (late) period: A missed menstrual period is the hallmark symptom of pregnancy, and menstruation is absent throughout the pregnancy. Sometimes, the mild cramping and spotting experienced at the time of implantation of the fertilized egg in the uterus (see later) can be mistaken for a menstrual period. Women whose menstrual cycles are irregular may also not immediately notice the absence of a menstrual period. It is uncommon for signs and symptoms of pregnancy to appear before the missed period, but if a woman’s cycles are irregular, this may happen.
- Implantation bleeding or cramping: Mild bleeding or spotting may occur when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, anywhere from 6 to 12 days after fertilization . Mild cramping can also occur at this time. Implantation bleeding may sometimes be mistaken for a menstrual period, although it is usually much lighter than a regular period.
- Vaginal discharge: Some women may notice a thick, milky discharge from the vagina in early pregnancy. This occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy as the vaginal walls thicken. This discharge may occur throughout the pregnancy. If there is an unpleasant odor associated with the discharge, or if it is associated with burning and itching, this is a sign of a yeast or bacterial infection. You should contact your healthcare professional if this occurs.
- Breast changes: Many women experience changes in the breasts as early as the first weeks of pregnancy. These changes can be felt as soreness, tenderness, heaviness, fullness, or a tingling sensation. The discomfort typically decreases after several weeks.
- Darkening of the areola: The areola, or area around the nipple, may darken in color.
- Fatigue: While this symptom is very nonspecific and may be related to numerous factors, pregnant women often describe feelings of fatigue from the earliest weeks of pregnancy.
- Morning sickness , nausea, and vomiting: This is actually a misnomer because the nausea of pregnancy can occur at any time of day. Some women never experience morning sickness, while others have severe nausea. Its most typical onset is between the 2nd and 8th weeks of pregnancy. Most women experience relief from the symptoms around the 13th or 14th week, but others may have nausea persistent throughout the pregnancy (hyperemesis gravidarum).
- Sensitivity to certain smells: Certain smells may bring on nausea or even vomiting early in pregnancy.
- Increased urination: Starting about the 6th to 8th week, some women will have more frequent urination due to hormonal changes. If other symptoms occur, such as burning urination, you should see your health care professional to make sure you are not suffering from a urinary tract infection.
- Dizziness or fainting: Perhaps related to hormonal changes affecting glucose levels or blood pressure , dizziness, lightheadedness, and feeling faint can occur in early pregnancy.
- Constipation: Hormone levels can also cause some women to have constipation in early pregnancy.
- Headaches: Headaches , as well, may be related to changing hormone levels and may occur throughout pregnancy.
- Food aversions or cravings: Cravings may begin in early pregnancy and may last throughout the pregnancy. Likewise, food aversions (feeling nausea or distaste for a particular food) can also occur.
- Back pain: Often considered more a symptom of late pregnancy, low back pain can actually begin in the early stages of pregnancy. Women can experience some degree of back pain throughout pregnancy.
- Mood changes: Mood swings are relatively common during the first trimester of pregnancy due to changing hormone levels. They may also be related to stress or other factors.
- Shortness of breath: Increased oxygen demand by the body (to support a growing fetus) may leave some women feeling short of breath, although this symptom is more common in the later stages of pregnancy.
8 Later symptoms and signs of pregnancy
Rapid changes in hormone levels during pregnancy may be responsible for mood swings and feelings of stress.
Many of the early symptoms of pregnancy can persist during the second and third trimesters, for example:
- Mood changes
- Headaches
- Increased urination
- Backache
- Food cravings
- Fatigue
Certain symptoms, like tender breasts and nausea, often improve as pregnancy advances.
Additional symptoms of later pregnancy are related to the size of the growing uterus and weight gain in the second trimester until giving birth. As with symptoms of early pregnancy, not all women experience all these symptoms, and women do not experience them to the same degree.
8 possible symptoms of later pregnancy
- Weight gain: Most women gain a total of about 25 to 35 pounds during pregnancy. Weight gain is due to the growing fetus, placenta, breast enlargement, and increased blood and fluid volume. Your Obstetrician will follow your weight closely during your prenatal visits.
- Breast changes: The breasts expand throughout pregnancy; late in pregnancy, there may be an expression of colostrum (a yellowish fluid that is produced immediately after delivery) from the nipples.
- Heartburn: Pressure from the growing uterus may push the stomach upward and out of its normal location, leading to symptoms of heartburn. In addition, hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause relaxation of one of the sphincters controlling the reflux of acid from the stomach.
- Swollen feet and ankles: Pressure from the enlarged uterus may slow down the blood flow of veins in the legs, leading to fluid buildup.
- Varicose veins: Increased blood volume may lead to the formation of varicose veins, hemorrhoids, or small spider veins.
- Leakage of urine: Pressure from the uterus on the bladder leads to frequent urination (which may have begun early in pregnancy due to hormonal changes). Sometimes, women notice leakage of urine when straining during laughing, sneezing, or coughing.
- Shortness of breath: The uterus enlarges and pushes the diaphragm further up toward the chest, possibly causing you to become out of breath easier than before.
- Braxton-Hicks contractions: In the weeks before delivery, many women experience uterine contractions. Unlike true labor contractions, Braxton-Hicks contractions are weak and do not occur at regular intervals. Labor contractions increase in frequency and intensity.
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What options help soothe and relieve pregnancy symptoms?
There are a number of home remedies and self-care strategies that can help relieve some of the unpleasant symptoms of pregnancy. Many medications, including some kinds of antibiotics, are also safe to take during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor about considering taking, or taking any over-the-counter, prescription medicine, or any supplements or vitamins.
The following are some self-care measures that can help alleviate some of the symptoms that may be troubling:
- Proper diet and exercise can help lessen symptoms by keeping weight gain under control and strengthening and toning your abdominal muscles. After the first trimester, avoid exercises that involve lying on the back for a prolonged time.
- A pregnancy girdle or sling can help support your abdomen.
- Wear comfortable shoes that are not too tight, particularly if you have swelling of the legs.
- Exercise caution when lifting your other children or heavy objects. Be sure to bend the knees when lifting and try to keep the back straight.
- Sleep on a firm mattress. Lying on your side with a pillow between your legs may be a comfortable position that provides some relief.
- Wear a bra that provides good support if breasts are tender or sore.
- Eat lots of fiber to keep the bowels moving and avoid constipation. This means fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grains. Taking fiber or stool softeners may help.
- Eat small, frequent meals to combat nausea, and avoid foods that trigger nausea. Avoid fatty foods and drink plenty of fluids. Small, frequent meals can also help prevent heartburn.
Pregnancy symptoms vs. PMS (premenstrual syndrome)
- Many of the symptoms of early pregnancy, like breast tenderness, fatigue, mood swings, mild cramping, back pain , and others, are also symptoms that women may experience with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or after ovulation in the days prior to their menstrual period.
- Until the menstrual period begins or a pregnancy test is positive, there is no way to tell whether these symptoms are related to PMS or pregnancy.
Medically Reviewed on 11/9/2023
Rigby, F.B. “Common Pregnancy Complaints and Questions.” Medscape. Apr. 8, 2020.
American Pregnancy Association: “Early Signs of Pregnancy.”
Cleveland Clinic: “Cryptic Pregnancy.”
Cleveland Clinic: “Causes of a False Positive Pregnancy Test.”
Kids Health: “Irregular Periods.”
Office on Women’s Health: “Knowing If You are Pregnant.”
Office on Women’s Health: “Your Menstrual Cycle.”
Office on Women’s Health: “Prenatal Care and Tests.”
National Health Service: “How can I increase my chances of getting pregnant?”
Tanya Tantry, MD: “What Causes False-Negative Pregnancy Tests?”
University of Michigan: “Missed or Irregular Periods.”
Fertility Coalition. Your Fertility right time for sex.
Wilcox AJ, Dunson D, Baird DD. The timing of the “fertile window” in the menstrual cycle: day specific estimates from a prospective study. BMJ. 2000;321(7271):1259-1262.
Journey House Pregnancy Resource Center. How Soon After Sex Can I Know If I’m Pregnant?
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