Low Blood Pressure After Surgery

Low Blood Pressure After Surgery

Low blood pressure after surgery

Surgery is typically an effort to feel better, or at least after recovery. Why else would you undergo a procedure that causes more pain (at first) and costs you so much of your hard-earned money? Unfortunately, it doesn’t always go as planned. If you or a loved one has had surgery and feel things aren’t quite right, it’s not something to ignore. There are a few things that could be warning signs after surgery that you shouldn’t overlook.

6 Warning Signs After Surgery that Something Went Wrong

Surgery is typically an effort to feel better, or at least after recovery. Why else would you undergo a procedure that causes more pain (at first) and costs you so much of your hard-earned money? Unfortunately, it doesn’t always go as planned. If you or a loved one has had surgery and feel things aren’t quite right, it’s not something to ignore. There are a few things that could be warning signs after surgery that you shouldn’t overlook.

Sure, we’ve all heard the horror stories of waking up during surgery, finding out that something was left inside during surgery, being misdiagnosed, or more. But that doesn’t really happen, right? At least to everyday people and with procedures like you’re having. WRONG. In 2016 Johns Hopkins patient safety experts figured that more than 250,000 deaths each year are a result of medical error, making it the third highest cause of death in the U.S.! Wow! Medical errors are happening, and they are happening in the hospitals and procedure centers near you.

Warning Signs After Surgery You Should Watch Out for

1 – Pain that Doesn’t Get Better – While surgery does, of course, bring extra pain immediately afterward, and during recovery, pain that continues and doesn’t seem to get any better or gets worse as time goes on should be addressed. Also, pain that can’t be controlled, even with the use of prescribed pain meds, needs to be discussed with your healthcare provider.

Have a plan in place to address such concerns if they are to arise after surgery. Who should you call? How long is too long to wait? Having the answers to these questions can alleviate anxiety and confusion about how you should act if problems arise. Waiting too long could be detrimental to your health.

2 – Vomiting or Diarrhea – It should be known that vomiting and/or diarrhea are often experienced by patients that undergo anesthesia. These symptoms should wear off within a couple of days after surgery. If they aren’t, you won’t be able to recover properly due to dehydration and more. Talk to your surgeon or another healthcare provider sooner than later if this is something you experience. Your body needs all the nutrients and hydration it can get to heal and get you on the road to recovery.

3 – Fevers – Fevers can be expected immediately after surgery, but if you experience a high fever (101 degrees or more) that stays around for more than a day after surgery, it could be a sign of infection or other issues. It’s important to know that fevers that aren’t getting better are there for a reason. Your body is letting you know there is a problem, and more severe issues could follow if attention isn’t given. So don’t ignore these warning signs after surgery.

4 – Redness or Discolored Fluid at the Surgical Site – Discharge that smells bad or is discolored should be reported to your surgeon. Redness (especially a dark red) that may or may not be seeping a yellow or green discharge or pus could be a sign that infection is present and needs to be treated by your surgeon A.S.A.P. Don’t let this go on for days before speaking to your healthcare provider. You want to get on top of this one fast!

5 – Severe Drop in Blood Pressure – Your body endures a lot during and after surgery. After surgery, it is possible for your body to go into shock and experience a quick drop in blood pressure. This situation can be caused by the loss of blood during surgery, possible infection, brain injury, and more. Call your doctor immediately and go to the hospital to get checked out. There could be something serious happening that your body is warning you about.

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6 – Trouble Breathing – Anesthesia is something to be very grateful for when it comes to surgery. None of us want to be awake for our procedure, right? However, it does come with its risks. As you recover from surgery, pay special attention to your breathing. The doctors and nurses will be watching it as well. While your body recovers from the anesthesia, there could be some things that don’t come back quite as quickly as others. Your breathing should return to normal quickly, but if it doesn’t, talk to your doctor or nurse immediately for assistance.

Seeking Help If You Feel Something Went Wrong During Surgery

If you suspect something may have gone wrong during the surgery, talk to your doctor right away. If your doctor dismisses your concerns, make sure to speak to another provider and get a second opinion. You know better than anyone what your body should feel like and if things don’t feel right.

Sometimes if something goes wrong, your surgeon will talk to you about it and let you know what happened. Other times, they may not even know that an error occurred. Then there are always the surgeons that try to hide their mistakes and deny that anything went wrong. In these cases, especially, you must trust yourself and advocate for yourself so that you receive the care you deserve.

Your health is a top priority, and your surgery should get you on the road to feeling better. While there is a recovery process and timeline, consistent pain, vomiting or diarrhea, fevers, pus, and low blood pressure should not be ignored. Then after receiving the medical attention you need, contact the medical malpractice team at Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier and Warshauer, L.L.C. We have worked hard to get our clients the compensation they deserve for the wrongdoing they have endured and will do the same for you.

Schedule a free consultation with one of the team members at Gainsburgh, Benjamin, David, Meunier and Warshauer, L.L.C. by calling (504) 522-2304. Don’t wait to seek help for yourself if you are experiencing warning signs after surgery. We look forward to working with you to alleviate some of the stress and burden you have had to endure.

Low blood pressure after surgery

The article was professionally consulted by Dr. Tran Quoc Tuan – Emergency Medicine Doctor – Emergency Resuscitation Department – Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
Any surgery carries risks during and after surgery. Low blood pressure after surgery is a problem many people face. So what causes this condition and how effective is the management of low blood pressure after surgery?

1. Causes of low blood pressure after surgery

Normal blood pressure fluctuates at 120/80mmHg, if it is equal to or less than 90/60mmHg, accompanied by symptoms of headache, dizziness, dizziness. it is considered hypotension, but it can also depend on blood pressure. depends on the situation and the patient. Causes of low blood pressure after surgery include:
1.1. Anesthesia Anesthesia used during surgery can affect blood pressure. Changes can happen while you are sleeping and when the medicine is about to wear off. In some people, anesthetics lower blood pressure after surgery. In this case, your doctor will carefully monitor you and give you intravenous medications to help return your blood pressure to normal.
1.2. Hypovolemic shock Hypovolemic shock occurs when the body is put into a state of shock due to severe blood loss. Losing a large amount of blood during surgery can lower blood pressure. Decreased blood volume also means a decrease in blood supply and makes it difficult to meet the needs of the organs.
In case of low blood pressure after surgery due to hypovolemic shock, you will be treated at the hospital. The goal of treatment is to replenish and restore circulating volume in the body before damage occurs to vital organs (especially the kidneys and heart).
1.3. Septic shock Sepsis is a life-threatening complication caused by a bacterial, fungal, or viral infection. It causes the walls of small blood vessels to leak fluid into the interstitial tissues. A serious complication of sepsis is called septic shock, and one of its symptoms is severe postoperative hypotension.
Sepsis is treated in the hospital by methods such as antibiotics, volume resuscitation and monitoring. To treat hypotension after surgery, you may be given a vasopressor. They help blood vessels constrict so blood pressure rises.

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Sốc nhiễm trùng

2. Management of low blood pressure after surgery

Low blood pressure after surgery puts the patient at risk of damage to vital organs such as the heart and brain due to lack of oxygen. Postoperative hypotension occurs when the patient is hospitalized for emergency conditions such as blood loss or myocardial infarction.
However, low blood pressure after being discharged home will become dangerous if the patient is not given proper first aid. Here are some home remedies for low blood pressure after surgery as follows:
Get up slowly: This helps to slowly stretch blood vessels, making blood circulation easier. After waking up, avoid getting up right away. Instead, move slowly from lying to sitting with your feet down on the ground. Hold this position for at least 60 seconds to allow the body to adjust itself. Next, stay on the bed but slowly swing your legs. Hold this position for 1-2 minutes before standing upright.
Do not use stimulants such as coffee and alcohol: The reason is that both substances cause dehydration leading to a drop in blood pressure.
Eat small meals: Some people have a habit of eating large, high-carb meals, this can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure right after eating, in what is known as postprandial hypotension or hypotension. standing position. Therefore, you should maintain small meals with low carb content and supplement snacks between meals, which will have the effect of increasing blood pressure for the group of people who have low blood pressure after surgery.
Eating right: Many patients after surgery have symptoms of anorexia. During this time, the lack of adequate nutrition is also the cause of low blood pressure after surgery. This is when the body requires a lot of energy for the recovery process. You need to provide enough energy for your body, so you should choose foods rich in nutrients, especially protein because protein is especially necessary for the wound healing process.
Drink lots of water: Dehydration is the culprit behind low blood pressure after surgery. You need to drink more water to help prevent low blood pressure after surgery effectively. Increasing the intake of filtered water and electrolyte-rich drinks such as coconut water will help prevent the symptoms of low blood pressure.
Eat a lot of salt: Doctors recommend that if the patient adds salt to food or takes salt tablets, it can prevent hypotension after surgery.
Use licorice root:

Rễ cam thảo được xem là phương thuốc thảo dược tốt để điều trị bệnh huyết áp thấp

According to traditional medicine, licorice root is considered a good herbal remedy to treat low blood pressure. It works to support adrenal function and regulate blood pressure. It can be taken directly or as a capsule, tablet, powder or tea product. If you’re taking blood thinners, potassium, or blood pressure medications, talk to your doctor before taking licorice just to be safe.
According to experts, after surgery, patients need to increase rest, take medicine, eat well to prevent complications after surgery, especially low blood pressure after surgery. After you go home, you need to take care of yourself according to your doctor’s instructions.
However, if low blood pressure does not improve and persists with symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, blurred vision, nausea, dehydration, chills or fainting, then you should see a doctor to get checked. prompt treatment and care.
Doctor Tran Quoc Tuan has 12 years of experience at Vinh Long General Hospital, Gia Dinh People’s Hospital, Nguyen Trai Hospital. Currently working as an Emergency Resuscitation Doctor at Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
Vinmec International General Hospital is a leading prestigious medical facility in the field of treatment of blood pressure diseases, with a team of specialized and experienced medical doctors and a system of modern equipment. support the most effective treatment.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

  • Blood pressure
  • Low blood pressure after surgery
  • Hypertension
  • Normal blood pressure
  • Low blood pressure
  • Low blood pressure index
  • Normal blood pressure index
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