Sneezing While Pregnant

Sneezing While Pregnant

Sneezing during pregnancy: causes, dos and don’ts

Let’s find out why frequent sneezing during pregnancy happens and how you can make this incredible journey of yours much easier.

Pregnancy Rhinitis

Pregnancy rhinitis is a stuffy or blocked nose during pregnancy that’s not caused by allergies or a cold. You might also have a runny nose, sneezing and nasal swelling. Pregnancy rhinitis usually happens in your third trimester and can last until two weeks after you deliver. You may get relief from saline rinses or corticosteroid sprays.


What is pregnancy rhinitis?

Pregnancy rhinitis is nasal congestion (stuffy or blocked nose) or other nasal symptoms that happen during the later part of pregnancy and last for at least six weeks. Most people talk about food cravings and heartburn, but no one warns you that you might spend the last few months of your pregnancy feeling like you constantly have a cold. Fortunately, your blocked nose should get better within two weeks of delivery.

Is pregnancy rhinitis the same as a cold?

No, pregnancy rhinitis isn’t caused by a cold, allergy or sinus infection.

Symptoms and Causes

What are the symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis?

The main symptom of pregnancy rhinitis is a stuffy nose. Other symptoms include:

  • Runny nose.
  • Nasal swelling.
  • Sneezing.
  • Postnasal drip.
  • Loss of smell (anosmia).
  • Difficulty sleeping (congestion is usually worse at night).

What causes pregnancy rhinitis?

Like most other discomforts during pregnancy, hormones are to blame for a stuffy nose while you’re expecting. Your nose has receptors — proteins that respond to signals in your body — that detect hormones like estrogen. Experts aren’t entirely sure why it happens, but in some people, higher levels of hormones cause the receptors to respond by widening blood vessels in your nose and creating mucus. This can block it and make it hard to breathe.

Diagnosis and Tests

How is pregnancy rhinitis diagnosed?

Healthcare providers diagnose pregnancy rhinitis if:

  • You’ve had a stuffy or runny nose for several weeks during pregnancy.
  • You don’t have allergies.
  • You aren’t sick with a cold or a sinus infection.

Management and Treatment

How do you treat pregnancy rhinitis?

Treatments your provider might recommend for pregnancy rhinitis include:

  1. Corticosteroid nasal sprays (Flonase®, Nasacort®).
  2. Nasal irrigation (saline nasal rinses). You use these with a neti pot or a rinse bottle.
  3. Decongestant sprays (oxymetazoline, Afrin®, Sinex®). These are generally considered safe during pregnancy, but using them for longer than a few days can cause a rebound effect. This is when you become more congested when you stop using the spray and become dependent on using it to keep your nose clear. Rebound congestion continues even after you’ve delivered.

Ask your provider before using oral decongestants (Sudafed®, Nexafed®) during pregnancy. Some studies have shown that they can be harmful to a fetus, especially in the first trimester. Don’t use oral decongestants if you have high blood pressure.

What are other ways to unblock your sinuses during pregnancy?

Other ways you can help reduce congestion include:

  • Exercising. Blood flow helps reduce blood vessel swelling. Ask your provider about a safe amount of exercise during pregnancy.
  • Drinking plenty of water.
  • Sleeping slightly upright.

Outlook / Prognosis

How long does pregnancy rhinitis last?

Pregnancy rhinitis can last a few weeks or all the way up to delivery. For most people, it goes away within a few days to two weeks of delivery.

When should I see my healthcare provider?

If a stuffy or runny nose is impacting your daily life, talk to your pregnancy care provider. They can make sure there isn’t another cause of your congestion (like allergies) and give you suggestions for ways to clear your nose.

What questions should I ask my doctor?

It might be helpful to ask a provider:

  • Is this pregnancy rhinitis or is something else causing my congestion?
  • Are there any treatments that might be helpful?
  • What medications are safe to take during pregnancy?
  • When should I follow up with you?
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Additional Common Questions

Can I use nasal sprays while pregnant?

Most nasal sprays are safe to use during pregnancy. Corticosteroid sprays (like Flonase and Nasacort) and saline sprays can provide relief. Be careful with decongestant sprays with the ingredient oxymetazoline. They can cause rebound congestion, which makes it hard to stop using them.

A note from Cleveland Clinic

Needing to nap at all hours of the day. Shoes that no longer fit. Never-ending trips to the bathroom. Not to be left out, your nose has decided it wants to be a part of the whole-body experience of pregnancy.

The constant congestion of pregnancy rhinitis can be frustrating. Knowing it won’t last forever might be of little comfort when you need to breathe well right now. Some people find that saline rinses, sleeping slightly upright and other at-home remedies can help. And you might need a combination of treatments to find something that works for you. Don’t hesitate to ask your pregnancy care provider how to get relief and what medications are OK to take. They’re there to help make your pregnancy experience as safe and comfortable as possible.

Sneezing during pregnancy : causes, dos and don’ts

There’s nothing worse than having to stop every couple of minutes to sneeze when you’re trying to get a million things done around the house. Especially when you’re also growing a tiny human life. But while you might be tempted to ignore your sneezing and get back to building that bassinet, this could be a sign to put your feet up and relax. Increased sneezing during pregnancy is normal but can be annoying, so it’s important to take a few minutes for yourself to decompress when you can. Don’t worry, baby isn’t coming yet!

Let’s find out why frequent sneezing during pregnancy happens and how you can make this incredible journey of yours much easier.

Is frequent sneezing in pregnancy normal?

Morning sickness, swollen feet, an intense craving for ice cubes and coal and condiments — these are the things you associate with being pregnant. Not sneezing endlessly while trying to put on a pair of socks. But frequent sneezing during pregnancy i s actually quite common!

While sneezing in general can be a little annoying, frequent sneezing in pregnancy is actually part of a condition known as pregnancy rhinitis. Pregnancy rhinitis is an inflammation of the inside of the nose and can be caused by all sorts of internal and external factors. The symptoms are similar to that of a cold, including a blocked nose or mild nasal discomfort as well as frequent sneezing. Pregnancy causes your hormones to change their usual balance and when this change causes inflammation on the inside of your nose, you might get pregnancy rhinitis .

You may also find yourself sneezing when pregnant because you’re picking up more common colds. While you’re pregnant, your immune system is a lot weaker. This is a protective measure from your body to prevent it from mistaking the unborn baby for an invading virus but, while your baby is safer, you’re more likely to pick up colds and other bugs. Of course, you wouldn’t have it any other way (you never do!). But that’s why it’s extra important to make time for yourself when you’re pregnant – you’ve given up unpasteurised cheese for your baby, you shouldn’t feel guilty about taking the time to rest and recharge to beat that cold!

When you’re pregnant with a cold, your body is working overtime not only to grow a tiny human, but also to get you feeling better. That’s why it’s important to indulge in some well-deserved self-care. Fortunately, it’s easy to take a moment for yourself each day – or closer to what feels like two hundred million if you’re pregnant. Stock up on Cushelle Quilted 50% Longer Lasting toilet paper for a soft and skin-loving* clean. Why? Because you, your baby – and your behind – deserve the best.

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Can sneezing hurt your baby?

If you’re anxious that the force of sneezing might be harmful to your baby, don’t worry! Sneezing won’t impact your baby’s health or growth at all. A common cold and a bit of extra nose-blowing during pregnancy isn’t harmful either; it’s just not much fun for you for nine months!

If you think you might have flu, fever or a more severe illness than a common cold then there may be risks attached to this. See your doctor immediately.

Experiencing pain when sneezing: pregnant edition

Feeling pain when you’re pregnant can feel really scary, but not all pain means something is wrong! Experiencing pain when sneezing in pregnancy is usually due to the pressure sneezing and coughing puts on the ligaments around your uterus, which are stretched as you grow during pregnancy.

If the pain you are experiencing is very severe or remains sharp for longer than a few seconds after sneezing, consult your doctor immediately.

Abdominal pain when sneezing: am I pregnant?

If you didn’t think you were pregnant before reading this article, pause before buying that baby book! A sneezing pain in the abdomen is a normal effect of pregnancy but there are many other possible reasons for experiencing it. If you think you might be pregnant it’s important to find out with a pregnancy test and trip to your doctor.

If you’ve been sneezing a lot more often than usual because of a cold or seasonal allergy, the muscles in your abdomen will be working harder . This often results in muscle soreness. Take some time to unwind, use a heating pad for your muscles, and give yourself that much-needed break on the couch. Pregnant or not – you deserve a little treat.

If you have other reasons for abdominal pain, the impact of sneezing will increase it. If you’re experiencing severe or lasting pain in your abdomen, it’s important to consult your doctor to find out what’s causing it.

Pregnant sneezing: do’s and don’ts

Here are some final tips to bear in mind when dealing with sneezing in pregnancy .


  • Talk to your doctor before using sneezing medication to make sure it’s safe for pregnancy
  • Ask for medical advice on getting a flu vaccination to protect you and your baby before flu season
  • Use a humidifier or an eco-friendly alternative at night to soothe the inside of your nose and relieve the causes of sneezing
  • Keep a sneezing survival kit on you: nasal spray, tissues and a bottle of water to re-hydrate
  • Talk to your doctor if you’re worried about any part of your pregnancy

Letting steam from the bathroom waft into your room after you’ve showered, or simply keeping a bowl of water by the window, will add some humidity to your bedroom at night without using any additional energy – an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint!


  • Panic! Frequent sneezing in pregnancy or pain when sneezing in pregnancy is normal and usually harmless.

There you have it — all the things you need to keep in mind when you’re frequently sneezing during pregnancy ! And if you’re looking for more tips during pregnancy, discover what you should pack in your labour bag when the big day finally arrives!

Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD
Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD

Dermatologist in Battery Point, Australia

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