Upper Eyelid Swollen In The Morning

Upper Eyelid Swollen In The Morning

What Causes Puffy Eyes—And How Do I Get Rid of Them

There are different types of eye drops. For example, antihistamines and decongestant eye drops help alleviate allergies. Some eye drops reduce the number of mast cells (white blood cells), which cause swelling.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Those Early Morning Swollen Eyelids

Usually all we do is look at the mirror and decide to avoid it and eventually the swelling of eyelids, known as eyelid edema, also goes away as the day passes by. While in most cases, this is not something to worry about; in certain cases, it could be a sign of serious, potentially sight-threatening problems, such as orbital cellulitis, Graves’ disease and ocular herpes, according to Dr Shashidhar V S, Consultant-Oculoplasty in Sankara Eye Hospital. Dr Shashidhar advises to not ignore the occurrence of swollen eyes and visit an ocuplastic surgeon to ensure there is no serious infection.

People often use the terms “swollen eyes” and “puffy eyes” interchangeably. But what needs to be understood is that “puffy eyes” is referred to the appearance caused by swelling of eyelids while “swollen eyes” refer to a burning or gritty feeling in the eyes due to allergy, infection or an injury. Dr Shashidhar points out the causes, symptoms, precautions and cure for swollen eyes:


Swelling of the eyes, which usually goes away by itself within 24 hours, is caused due to several reasons which primarily include the presence of excess fluid (edema) in the eyelids. It can also result from:

  • Allergies (with products that come in contact with eyes like makeup or contact lens solution)
  • Injury around the eye area
  • Bug bite
  • Stye – swollen, reddish bump on the edge of an eyelid – an infection of a gland in the eyelid
  • Conjunctivitis, also known as “pink eye”
  • Malfunctioning of oil glands in eyelids
  • Orbital and Periorbital cellulitis
  • Fat prolapse
  • Forceful or prolonged crying

Other than these, certain medical conditions can also be the reason for swollen eyes. For instance, the Grave’s Disease which is an autoimmune disorder the affects the thyroid glands.


  • Crusted or puffy eyes when you get up in the morning
  • Burning or gritty feeling in eyes
  • Blurred/impaired vision
  • Itchy and greasy eyelids
  • Red eyes and inflammation of the conjunctiva
  • Sensitivity to bright light
  • Dry eye syndrome

When to see a doctor

  • Pain in eyelids
  • Blurred or impaired vision
  • Itchy or scratchy sensation
  • Red eyes and inflammation
  • Feeling of a piece of sand in the eyes

If the swelling persists for a few days despite warm compresses and proper sleep, it is advisable to visit an oculoplastic surgeon. Depending on the cause, the doctor may advise you antibiotic eye drops, ointment or cream for a few days or 4-6 weeks. Dr Shashidhar says that while eye cancer is rare but swollen eyes is a symptom of that which is actually the pressure from the cancer. Reaching out for immediate treatment to such a problem will not only lead to accurate diagnosis but also early relief.

What you can do at home (Home Remedies For Swollen Eyelids)

  • Washing eyes with saline water in case of discharge
  • Cool compressing of eyes with a cold washcloth
  • Avoid using contact lenses for some time
  • Use of prescribed eye drop in case of allergy
  • Sleeping with elevated head to reduce fluid retention


  • If swollen eyelids and other aforementioned symptoms are a regular occurrence, it is advisable to get yourself tested for allergies. Once you know the exact cause, the allergens can be avoided.
  • Choose makeup and other beauty products wisely, making sure they are hypoallergenic and fragrance-free.
  • Those who wear contact lenses need to practice proper hygiene techniques to minimise risk of eye infection or irritation.

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What Causes Puffy Eyes—And How Do I Get Rid of Them?

A lack of sleep, allergies, and too much sodium might be the cause of your puffy eyes.

Julia Naftulin is a health reporter with a focus on sexual health, psychology, and public health. Her work can be found at Insider, Health, Verywell Health, and more.

Updated on September 25, 2023
Medically reviewed by
Johnstone M. Kim, MD, is an ophthalmologist practicing at Midwest Retina in Dublin, Ohio.
In This Article
In This Article

You might have eaten too much sodium or not gotten enough sleep if you woke up with a swollen under-eye. Several other causes of puffy eyes include allergies, an eye injury, and pink eye. Puffiness usually goes away with home remedies and lifestyle changes like applying a cold compress, getting enough sleep, and reducing sodium intake.

Puffy eyes happen when fluid builds up in the areas around or near your eyes. You might also notice dark circles under your eyes, itching, or redness. Read on to learn about puffy eyes, including possible causes and how to get rid of them.

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Puffy eyes are usually a symptom of certain behaviors, such as a lack of sleep, or health conditions. The hallmark sign of puffy eyes is temporary swelling of the tissues around or under your eyes.

You might have other symptoms with puffy eyes, including:

  • Burning
  • Changes in your skin color
  • Dark shadows under your eyes
  • Fat pockets near your eyes
  • Itchy, red eyes
  • Loose skin
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Teary eyes

What Causes Puffy Eyes?

The underlying cause of eye puffiness has to do with fluid build-up. Fluid might collect around your eyes and the surrounding skin tissue. Any swelling there is easy to see and hard to hide because that tissue is among the thinnest in your body.

Underlying health conditions that might cause puffy eyes include:

  • Allergies: An allergen, such as dust, mold, and pollen, might irritate your eye. Your eyelids and conjunctiva (the thin membrane that protects your eye) may become itchy, red, and swollen.
  • Blepharitis: This is inflammation of the eyelid, sometimes caused by an overgrowth of bacteria. In addition to swelling, you might notice debris build-up on your bottom eyelashes.
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye): This is inflammation of the inside of your eyelid and outer eye layer, typically caused by a virus.
  • Chronic kidney disease (CKD): Your eyes might be puffy if your kidneys eliminate excess protein into your urine, an early sign of kidney damage.
  • Endophthalmitis: This is an infection of your eye’s fluids and tissues. Endophthalmitis is a medical emergency that may cause blindness if untreated.
  • Eye injury: Blood and fluids collect around your eyes after an injury to or near the area. As a result, bruising and swelling may occur.
  • Eyelid bumps: These include chalazia and styes, which are blocked or inflamed oil glands.
  • Graves’ eye disease: This is a common sign of an overactive thyroid, the butterfly-shaped gland in your neck. Swelling causes your eyes to bulge out.
  • Orbital cellulitis: This infection affects the fat and muscles around and near your eyes.
  • Retinoblastoma: This is cancer of the eyes. People with retinoblastoma might look like their eyes are looking in opposite directions.

Risk Factors for Puffy Eyes

Anyone can develop puffy eyes. Some might be more likely to have puffy eyes than others, especially due to genetics and older age.

Of note: The type of puffiness and swelling you might notice in the morning differs from bags under the eyes. Puffy eyes are usually temporary. In contrast, baggy eyes are a permanent result of several factors, like aging. Still, bags under the eyes might increase the risk of puffy eyes.

Several other factors might increase your risk of puffy eyes, such as:

  • Aging: The tissues around your eyes weaken as you age. As a result, your skin sags, allowing fat and fluids to build up in the area. Fat build-up results in baggy eyes, whereas fluid build-up may cause puffy, swollen eyes.
  • Genetics: You might be more likely to have weak skin around your eyes if it runs in your family.
  • High-sodium diet: Eating a lot of salty foods causes your body to retain fluid that may build up around your eyes.
  • Lack of sleep: You might have dark circles under your eyes and swollen eyelids if you do not sleep enough.
  • Smoking: Tobacco might trigger an allergic reaction that affects your eyes.

How To Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

Treatment depends on the cause of your eyelid swelling. A healthcare provider will likely consider your health history and other symptoms to figure out the cause. For example, some people have headaches or a temperature intolerance.

A healthcare provider may complete a physical exam to get more information about the following:

  • Swelling color and location
  • Tenderness or warmth
  • Vision changes (i.e., double or less sharp vision)

A healthcare provider will advise at-home treatments or surgical or non-surgical procedures to treat the underlying cause. There are a few options that help reduce eye puffiness.

Home Remedies

Home remedies for eye puffiness include:

  • Cold compresses: Applying a cool compress—like a cold washcloth, cool tea bag, or cucumber slices—to your eyes for a few minutes might de-puff your eyelids.
  • Concealer: This can reduce the appearance of dark circles under your eyes that make them look puffy.
  • Eyelid treatments: Look for an eye cream containing anti-inflammatory ingredients, like caffeine or chamomile.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes that may reduce the appearance of swollen eyes include:

  • Avoid exposure to allergens when possible.
  • Avoid or quit smoking.
  • Do not rub your eyelids too much.
  • Get enough sleep, and sleep with your head raised.
  • Limit your sodium intake.
  • Reduce your fluid intake before bedtime.


You might require over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription medications if an underlying health condition causes your puffy eyes. Medication will depend on the cause but may include antibiotics for bacterial infections (i.e., bacterial pink eye or a stye), eye drops, gels, and ointments.

There are different types of eye drops. For example, antihistamines and decongestant eye drops help alleviate allergies. Some eye drops reduce the number of mast cells (white blood cells), which cause swelling.

Skin Treatments

You might consider chemical peels, fillers, or laser resurfacing to help reduce the appearance of puffy eyes. Those treatments work by tightening your skin, which helps get rid of pockets where fluid can build up.

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Chemical peels and laser resurfacing work by removing old skin cells. The new skin cells that grow in their place help smoothen your skin. A healthcare provider injects fillers into areas of your skin to restore its fullness. Consult an ophthalmologist, who specializes in eye health, to decide whether one of those therapies is right for you.


Blepharoplasty (an eyelid surgery) might reduce puffy eyes. An eye surgeon will make a small cut inside your lower eyelid or under your eyelashes. They can remove or reposition extra skin or fat to lessen pockets where fluid can build up. The eye surgeon will then use small stitches to close the cuts. An ophthalmologist can help figure out if a blepharoplasty is appropriate for your case.

When To See a Healthcare Provider

Eye puffiness generally does not raise concerns. Seek care from an ophthalmologist if your puffiness or swelling sticks around for a while or if your eyes are itchy, painful, or red. These symptoms may point to a possible eye disorder or infection that immediately requires medical attention.

See a healthcare provider if you have symptoms like:

  • Double vision
  • Eyes that appear to be bulging
  • Fever
  • Loss of sharp vision
  • Problems with eye movement

A Quick Review

A build-up of fluid might cause puffy eyes. Several factors, such as a lack of sleep and excess sodium intake, may increase your risk of having puffy eyes.

Treatment depends on what’s causing your puffy eyes but might include at-home remedies, lifestyle changes, skin treatments, and surgery. Check in with a healthcare provider about options that may be helpful for your case. Seek medical care right away if you have other symptoms, such as fever or vision changes.

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24 Sources

Health.com uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

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  23. American Academy of Dermatology Association. Lasers and lights: How well do they treat rosacea?
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