What Can I Drink To Clean My Womb At Home

What Can I Drink To Clean My Womb At Home

Your body after the birth

At first, the thought of peeing can be a bit frightening – because of the soreness. Drinking lots of water dilutes your urine, which may make it sting less.

How to Clean Uterus After a Miscarriage Naturally at Home?

Miscarriages tend to have a draining effect on women. It changes not only a woman’s state of mind and body but also has a negative impact on her spirits. Women often suffer from physical and emotional changes during this period of time.

Miscarriage means the loss of a child within 20 weeks of pregnancy. In order to lessen the effects of a miscarriage learning about how to clean the uterus after a miscarriage at home becomes inevitable.

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How to Clean Uterus After a Miscarriage Naturally?

One of the most important things to remember is that miscarriages are common and are definitely not your fault. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to heal the uterus after a miscarriage.

Make Sure to Eat Healthy

After a miscarriage one of the first things that women don’t do but should do is to eat right. Women’s bodies go through a lot of changes during an intrauterine pregnancy. This does not only exhaust the mind but the body as well. Therefore it is important to eat right. Foods that are nutritious and promise good health become inevitable especially if you are trying to clean your uterus naturally.

During miscarriages, women tend to suffer from severe blood loss and therefore iron-rich foods are necessary. Doctors also recommend iron-rich foods to promote a good level of energy in the body which will further strengthen the body’s functions.

Soups, smoothies, and stews are some of the best possible options during such times and as an answer to how to clean uterus after a miscarriage naturally. They are easy to prepare and easier to digest.

Some of the best options are green leafy vegetables, beans, beets, seaweed, and chicken or turkey.

Stress Management

Miscarriages are a tough time in a woman’s life as they bring out feelings of guilt, anger, and sadness. Women tend to question their self and capacity by blaming themselves although it is not their fault at all.

They can and they often descend into a deep hole of sadness that is compromised with self-loath and feelings of discomfort. During these times you should talk to your partner or should get proper counseling. Doctors of Mid City also recommend professional counseling in these matters.

Take some time off and make yourself your first priority, this will give you an answer to how to clean uterus after a miscarriage naturally. Be a little less harsh on yourself and work on managing your stress. Train your mind and body. This will improve your chances of healing as well.

Herbal Antidotes

Herbs are famous for increasing healthy circulation in the body. They also prevent any onsets of cramping and uterine spasms that women tend to suffer from during or after miscarriages. Make sure to consult with your doctor before taking any herbal supplement.

Herbs are another natural remedy and a great answer to how to clean uterus after a miscarriage or to pass tissue after a miscarriage. From promoting good mental well-being to maintaining a hormonal balance, herbs can act as a uterus cleaner if used with the right knowledge.

Given below are some of the herbs that can heal your uterus after a miscarriage.

  • Black cohosh root (an an-anti inflammatory herb that helps with uterine pain and eases the tension in the muscles)
  • Angelica ( a warming herb to improve circulation to the reproductive organs and also reduces inflammation)
  • Yarrow Leaf ( a herb that helps to curb heavy bleeding and is an excellent uterus cleaner)
  • Vitex or Chaste Tree Berry ( has a relieving effect on the hormonal capacity of the pituitary gland)
  • Hypericum perforatum (helps with anxiety and mild depression)
  • Cramp Bark ( a herb that manages the cramping)
  • Motheroworts (an effective uterus cleaner that not only manages bleeding but also gets rid of all the associated placental material)
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Types of Miscarriages

Dr. Farhana Asim, who is one of the top gynecologists in Pakistan says that, women might suffer from different types of miscarriages depending on the stage of pregnancy, the age of the fetus and the signs and symptoms. So, before we get the answer to how to clean uterus after a miscarriage, here is a guide to the different types of miscarriages.

  • Incomplete Miscarriage
  • Inevitable Miscarriage
  • Missed Miscarriage
  • Threatened Miscarriage
  • Complete Miscarriage
  • Septic Miscarriage

Incomplete Miscarriage

Some of the tissue or placental material has been eliminated from the body but some of it still remains in the body.

Inevitable Miscarriage

Constant cramps, continuous bleeding, and cervical dilation indicate that a miscarriage is inevitable and going to happen soon.

Missed Miscarriage

The untimely demise of the embryo happens in the body and the woman is unable to deliver it.

Threatened Miscarriage

Pregnancy might be threatened because of bleeding.

Complete Miscarriage

In this miscarriage, all types of pregnancy tissue and placental material have been eliminated from the body.

Septic Miscarriage

A uterus infection makes the pregnancy difficult.

How to Clean Uterus at Home – Get Professional Help

Miscarriage does not mean that you should not try again. You have to prepare your body for the next step. This way you and your partner can enjoy a better life and health.
Make sure to consult with your doctor regarding how to clean uterus after a miscarriage at home these above-mentioned methods to clean your uterus at home. You can also connect with top-certified gynecologists via Healthwire.

Your body after the birth

If you’ve had stitches after tearing or an episiotomy (cut), bathe them every day to help prevent infection. Have a bath or shower with plain warm water then carefully pat yourself dry.

If your stitches are sore or uncomfortable, tell your midwife.

Painkillers can help. If you’re breastfeeding, check with a pharmacist, midwife or GP before you buy over-the-counter painkillers.

Stitches usually dissolve by the time the cut or tear has healed, but sometimes they have to be taken out.

Going to the toilet

At first, the thought of peeing can be a bit frightening – because of the soreness. Drinking lots of water dilutes your urine, which may make it sting less.

Tell your midwife if:

  • you’re finding it really difficult to pee
  • you feel very sore
  • you notice an unpleasant smell

You probably won’t have a poo for a few days after the birth, but it’s important not to let yourself get constipated.

Eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, salad, wholegrain cereals and wholemeal bread, and drink plenty of water.

If you’ve had stitches, it’s very unlikely you’ll break them, or open up the cut or tear again.

It might feel better if you hold a pad of clean tissue over the stitches when pooing. Try not to strain.

Talk to your midwife or GP if you have constipation that won’t go away. A gentle laxative may help.

Also tell your midwife or GP if poo is leaking or you’re pooing when you don’t mean to.

Bladder control

After having a baby, it’s quite common to leak a bit of pee if you laugh, cough or move suddenly.

Pelvic floor exercises can help with this but tell the GP at your postnatal check if they aren’t. They may refer you to a physiotherapist.


Piles (haemorrhoids) are very common after birth but usually disappear within a few days or weeks.

Eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, salad, wholegrain cereals and wholemeal bread, and drink plenty of water. This should make pooing easier and less painful.

Try not to push or strain – this will make the piles worse.

Talk to a midwife or pharmacist if you feel very uncomfortable. They can recommend creams and ointments that soothe piles.

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Bleeding after birth (lochia)

You’ll bleed from your vagina after the birth. It will be quite heavy at first, and you’ll need super-absorbent period pads. Change them regularly, washing your hands before and afterwards.

It isn’t a good idea to use tampons until after your 6-week postnatal check because they could increase your chance of getting an infection.

You may notice the bleeding is redder and heavier when you breastfeed. This happens because breastfeeding makes your womb contract. You may also feel cramps similar to period pains.

The bleeding will carry on for a few weeks. It will gradually turn a brownish colour and decrease until it finally stops.

If you’re losing blood in large clots, tell your midwife. You may need some treatment.

When will my periods start again after pregnancy?

When will my periods start again after pregnancy?

It’s hard to be exact about when your periods will start again, as everyone is different.

If you bottle feed your baby, or combine bottle feeding with breastfeeding, your first period could start as soon as 5 to 6 weeks after you give birth.

If you fully breastfeed (including at night) without any bottle feeding, your periods may not start again until you start to reduce breastfeeding.

How soon after giving birth can I get pregnant?

You can get pregnant again just 3 weeks after the birth of your baby, even if you’re breastfeeding and your periods have not started again yet.

It’s important to start using contraception within 21 days of giving birth to avoid a new pregnancy. Talk to your midwife or GP about a method that’s best for you.

How soon can I use tampons after giving birth?

You should not use tampons until you’ve had your 6-week postnatal check. This is because you’ll still have a wound where the placenta joined with the wall of your womb, and you may also have tears or cuts in or around your vagina.

Using internal period products like tampons and menstrual cups before this wound has healed could increase your chance of getting an infection.

Use maternity or period pads during this time while your body is still healing.


To begin with, your breasts will produce a yellowish liquid called colostrum for your baby.

On the third or fourth day, they may feel tight and tender as they start to produce milk.

Wearing a supportive nursing bra may help. Speak to your midwife if you’re very uncomfortable.


After delivery, your tummy will probably still be a lot bigger than before pregnancy. This is partly because your muscles have stretched.

If you eat a balanced diet and get some exercise, your shape should gradually return.

Breastfeeding helps because it makes your womb contract. You may feel quite painful period-like cramps while you’re feeding.

Is it something serious?

Tell your midwife, health visitor or GP straight away if you get any of these symptoms.

Pain, swelling or redness in the calf muscle of one leg (but redness can be harder to see on brown and black skin)

Pain in your chest, difficulty breathing

Sudden or very heavy blood loss from your vagina, possibly feeling faint, rapid heartbeat

High temperature, sore and tender tummy

Headache, changes in your vision, vomiting

Video: What can I do to help recover from tearing?

In this video, 4 mothers talk about what they did to help recover from tearing after birth.

Media last reviewed: 2 February 2023
Media review due: 2 February 2026

More in After the birth

Page last reviewed: 25 April 2024
Next review due: 25 April 2027

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Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD
Dr Narelle Bleasel FACD

Dermatologist in Battery Point, Australia

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